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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bill Gates says Donald Trump needs to lockdown the US for SIX WEEKS to have any hope of 'flattening the curve' of the coronavirus infection rate

Publishers Notes: I've been saying this from the very beginning.

As co-founder and ex-CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates is famous for being one of the world's richest people, but he is also known for his philanthropic activities, specifically funding the work towards eradicating deadly diseases.

As a result, he has become a leading spokesman for disease control and eradication, and has talked before at length about the risks our world faces should there be a new disease outbreak as we are seeing now with Covid-19.

During a digital TED Talk with host Chris Anderson on 25 March, Gates was asked what he would if he were president and tasked with leading country through the worst pandemic the world has seen in over 100 years.

Gates said that his top priority would be to keep people across America indoors to 'flatten the curve' of the coronavirus pandemic; in other words, slowing down the rate at which the virus is spreading.



  1. If Trump thinks this is going away anytime soon he is Wrong he can't just open back up to business Ny needs to be FULLY QUARANTINED or this WILL BITE HIM IN THE ASS.

  2. Wern't Bill Gates and George Soros major investors in the Wuhan Lab in the city where this corona cv19 orginated ? So if anybody should know the dangers of CV 19 Bill Gates would be near the top of the list!!

  3. CDC and WHO actually say going to need 8 to 10 weeks of quarantine.

  4. Gates can't even keep Windows virus free after 30 years and he is going to lecture us on real viruses. Give me a break.

    1. #1 idot comment of the day. Congrats 617

  5. I bet after 6 weeks of no taxes being paid in most states, they will all push for legalized recreational Pot use so they can tax it!

  6. 6:17 pm LOL Right !!!

  7. Call PC-Matic !!! LOL

  8. Open the country up by Easter . This is overblown BS!

    1. Couldn't agree with you more 400,000 die every year from aids/HIV no lock down for that I'm still working for now

    2. Your comparison is IDIOTIC.

  9. Anonymous said...
    #1 idot comment of the day. Congrats 617

    March 26, 2020 at 7:20 PM

    You can't even spell idiot(idot) correctly. You have some nerve basement dweller. Your mother is calling you are late for dinner.

  10. 6:17 Gates has to call Norton or Ghostbusters !!!!
    Symantec or that Russian One !!!

  11. Flu Deaths so far this year??? Bill Gates is Evil to the core. Huge part of the Deep State.

  12. This is the same Bill Gates and his wife Melinda who tried to turn the education system into future shopping market for workers to work in his companies. His so called Soros backed common core agenda did an almost total wipe out of our children for his own personal gain!

  13. Every time I hear that sanctimonious ass speak I cringe.New world order architect and mouthpiece.

  14. Gates wants to crash the US economy. He’s a globalist.

  15. Easy to say when you have billions and unlimited resources to fall back on.

  16. Gates is safe and secure on an island in Washington state. Has his own airport, Has his own ferry, which he can close at any minute. Just the kind of response from someone who is part of the protected class. AH

  17. Gates never closed his company’s in China but instead expanded. This was after saying pandemic is coming soon and probably out of China.


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