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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Yes, Human Trafficking is on the Shore: A Chat with For All Seasons’ Katharine Petzold

It’s typically hard for most Eastern Shore residents to know that human trafficking is alive and growing in their backyard. Beyond the false narrative that this inhumane treatment of adults and children is an urban phenomenon in the United States, the fact remains that these crimes are tough to see even if they are taking place in broad daylight.

Some of these victims are hidden behind locked doors in brothels and factories. But in other cases, they are interacting with community members on a daily basis. In the labor market, it can be found agricultural work, particularly with seasonal fisheries and crab processing as well as construction, nail salons, hospitality industries, and domestic work. With the sex trade, it is showing up locally on online, secret brothels, and “massage parlors” as well as truck stops, private homes, or on the street.

That is one of the many challenges that For All Seasons, the Mid-Shore’s behavioral health center, face as they increase their work to identify and rescue victims in the region. And part of that work is ensuring that members of the health and education professional community understand the signs of human trafficking in a variety of different environments.



  1. I am sorry but I call BS on this. I'm guessing F.A.S. has a nice grant to "whatever" with human trafficking. 90%+ of what originally is called human trafficking is plain old prostitution. I can't believe there are documented cases of forced labor on the Eastern Shore.

    1. You have your head in the sand then.

  2. It’s typically hard for most Eastern Shore residents to know that human trafficking is alive and growing in their backyard. Beyond the false narrative that this inhumane treatment of adults and children is an urban phenomenon in the United States, the fact remains that these crimes are tough to see even if they are taking place in broad daylight.

    That's all I'm gonna say.

    1. West OC..."massage spa" busted for human trafficking... Chinese women held there... it's here folks

  3. It's that last 10% that concerns me.

  4. Mitzi Perdue is an international champion against human trafficking. Her work is amazing. Check it out.

  5. I wish I had a brothel in my backyard.

  6. 5:36 Aside from asserting the boogie man is coming please list three documented cases of true human trafficking on the Eastern shore within the past 2 years. Grants to "educate" health and education folks don't make it real. Look at the fed and Florida stings over the last few years; no convictions on trafficking. We are not southeast Asia.

    1. I attended FBI instructed class on this subject several years ago... Easton had big bust... several in ocean City recently...it's here.

  7. Yes; we do have this problem on Delmarva, BUT far too many still have their heads in the sand and are in denial. WAKE UP YOU STUPID PEOPLE...

  8. I call BS! produce the victims and/or the perps! Name Names!

  9. Nothing is unbelievable if you look at the atmosphere. There are so many Socialist, gangs and drug dealers that it is impossible not to believe these facts are not true.

  10. It’s kind of scary that most people don’t know this already. The guy at 5:11 seems to be confused, doing nails in a Vietnamese run nail salon is hardly good old prostitution, but still people being brought in and used under false pretense.

  11. Yep more deceptive tactics from the leftards..say it aint so! a market for HOOKERS!

  12. 511 that is because you are an idiot. There have already been several arrests on the delmarva peninsula related to trafficking of underage girls

  13. You likely also dont believe your daughters are out here turning tricks for their opiod fix, but it still happens

  14. If the "John's" where held accountable rather than the prostitute things would be different. Just saying.

  15. Those Eastern European Girls that come over for the summer in Ocean City seem pretty happy earning those extra dollars at the "No Tell Motel". It should be legal between adults, just sayin.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:36 Aside from asserting the boogie man is coming please list three documented cases of true human trafficking on the Eastern shore within the past 2 years. Grants to "educate" health and education folks don't make it real. Look at the fed and Florida stings over the last few years; no convictions on trafficking. We are not southeast Asia.

    February 10, 2020 at 6:24 PM

    Is your nickname ostrich?

    “Maryland is a hot spot of trafficking. It’s that simple,” says Maryland State Police Sgt. Deborah Flory, who oversees the agency’s two-person Child Recovery Unit. “That’s because of I-95, I-70, and BWI Airport, and the mix of wealth and poverty, which is one of the things that makes young women vulnerable.” Traffickers, aka pimps, are familiar with the laws in each state and know there are weaker penalties in Maryland than elsewhere, including the possibility of a misdemeanor charge for trafficking someone age 18 or older, Flory says. “We talk to them. They’re not dumb and they’re not worried. Some of them will wait until a girl turns 18,” Heid adds. “They can make more money than dealing drugs—$200,000 a year off of one girl—and it’s easier because they don’t have to re-up with cocaine or heroin. They sell the same ‘product’ over and over again.”

    Maryland ranked fourth among the top states per capita in trafficking cases last year, trailing Nevada, California, and Ohio, according to the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

  17. this is all good. since maryland is a sanctuary state. the so called traffickers will be spared any punishment!

  18. 3:44am this is 5:11. To avoid thread drift I would remind you this discussion is about Eastern Shore human trafficking. No one in this thread has been able to cite a conviction on the Eastern Shore. To help educate the folks here I post this link which does list convictions for trafficking in Md.

    I do not see any for the Eastern Shore but the list only goes up to 2016. Waiting for the believers here to back up their assertions with FACTS. Regarding Maryland's place in a national trafficking poll(?) there are so many speculations on that figure on-line I seriously doubt there is a reliable number. You can find this yourself with a few searches on the internet.

  19. 6:52 this is 5:11. If you read my post you would see I addressed the "forced labor" situation in a separate sentence which accounts for the other 10% not related to prostitution.

  20. There are Demoncrats on the Shore!.. so of course Human Trafficking is on the Shore.


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