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Sunday, February 16, 2020

State senator's Limbaugh tweet draws fire

A tweet by a state senator referring to radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh as a KKK member has rallied Democrats behind him, while the GOP is demanding disciplinary action.

Sen. Bryan Townsend, D-Bear, posted a cartoon on his Twitter account Feb. 8 that shows several hooded KKK figures with one wearing the Medal of Freedom. The caption reads “Find Rush Limbaugh” and Townsend posted, “Whoever finds him gets a medal.”

Limbaugh received the Medal of Freedom from President Donald Trump during the State of the Union address Feb. 4.



  1. Democrats, leftist, progressives, are evil from the beginning to the end.

  2. Rat POS civil war coming soon FOR THEM ...

  3. Make the world a better place with more O2 and sustenance for decent normal people. Support the Democrat Clintoncide Project.
    Or, just donate to Planned Parenthood. They seem to be vacuuming future Democrat voters for the most part anyway.

  4. You guys are some of the biggest hypocrites

    1. 5:33 Governor Ralph Northam😉 But yea were the hypocrites🙄

  5. I thought the KKK was a Democrat secret society?


  6. The undistinguished Upper Slower (D)senator is divorced from reality. Good we got him out from under his sheets. Of course Gov. Northam (D) of Virginia and the late Sen. Byrd (D)of WV were happy actual KKK members and supporters.

    KKK was a Democrat organization. Nice of him to pick Lincoln's birthday for his stunt. He was a Republican and freed the slaves. Limbaugh is no racist; his closest aide on his program is a black guy.

    Townsend must be tuning up to take Slow Joe's place in Delaware's faux intelligentsia!

    1. Bite your tongue. The citizens of DE have had enough from the clowns holding office.

  7. Couldn't find Mr. Limbaugh but did spot Virginia governor Northam. And you all thought he was in Blackface, should always check behind the curtain

  8. Real classy people representing the d-crat party.

  9. It's amazing that the Democratic Party is in fact the party who founded the KKK. To try to blame it on the GOP (who btw fought for 80 years after the Civil War to grant civil liberties) is not only dishonest but disgusting. Don't know if the truth is taught in schools but it most certainly should be.

  10. The double standards displayed by the left are insane.

  11. Whenever the left can’t handle the truth it’s racism.

  12. They hate Rush because he exposes their lies. Forty years of promising to fix things and nothing gets better. But they get rich. They make special rules for themselves so they never feel the pain. Drain the swamp!

  13. Wow.

    Every day stacks of political memes are posted here skewering the left... no problem, everyone belly laughs.

    This one though... oh the outrage! Apparently, we can dish it, but can't take it.

    @ February 13, 2020 at 7:09 AM The political parties of times ideologies were flipped. Democrats of the time looked more like today's republicans and visa versa. This is basic historical info and common knowledge... you may want to rethink your argument lest you paint your team in a VERY bad light.

    Look, Limbaugh has said some very racist and sexist things. It take no time to find tons of examples of this by a video search. He didn't deserve that medal at all, and the medal was used as a political devise to rally the base. It was shameful.

    Of COURSE Limbaugh is not a member of the KKK... but this is political satire done to prove a point. It is used here 5 to 6 times DAILY and no one freaks out. Toughen up buttercups, ya'll are starting to look like snowflakes.

    1. So reverse racism is okay ? To falsely label someone with intended hate is okay ? Is this Mitt Romney ?...

  14. 11:01 “Y’all”? I’m offended. That sounded very racist. 😎

  15. What don't you guys understand. Rush has a record for spreading absolutely false accusations and statements, that include plenty of race-based insults. He built a media empire on spreading false information that played into conservative fears. He is NOT a hero. In fact, he is a real enemy of the US for spreading false propaganda all in an effort to benefit personally.

    1. 12:27 What do you call Governor Ralph Northam ??

  16. Why is it Democrats lack class? They keep pushing their beliefs on us but lack any integrity to support them😂😂😂

  17. In all fairness....Delaware also has the Biden’s!!! That explains a hell of a lot right there....


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