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Sunday, February 16, 2020

What to Do After You Shoot Someone in Self Defense

It is the end of a long day. You and your wife tucked your children in and are heading to bed. As you turn off the lights you hear a sound you do not recognize. When you go to investigate, you discover a broken window. An intruder is in your home. Fearing for your safety and the safety of your family, you prepare to defend yourself. You know you have your right to defend your family and your home. You grab your firearm and confront the intruder at gunpoint. The intruder draws a weapon and turns to attack. You pull the trigger and hit your mark. The intruder falls to the ground seriously injured and likely dying.

The immediate threat is over, but your emotions are running high and adrenalin is pumping through your body. You and your family are safe, but what do you do next? Do you flee from your residence? Do you start collecting evidence? Do you move the body? Do you call the police?

What you do after shooting someone in self-defense can determine what legal consequences will follow. There are several things you should do and other things you should not do if you find yourself in this situation.



  1. Wow. That is a very detailed list. I learned a lot even though I do not own a gun. Very interesting and helpful guidance.

  2. Just because the person is in your house does NOT give you a right to end their life. Don’t believe me? Follow the cases of home shootings...

    1. So 9:26, what right does an unwanted stranger have to come in my house?

    2. If a person enters your house there is a presumption they are there to do you harm.

  3. Call 911 (all recorded ) then in turn, they call Police ,
    You Feared for your life & your family's & implimented the
    Right to Defend yourself & family & property ,
    of course , the intruder is DEAD !!!

  4. I would add to this to quickly get some evidence photographs of your own and do not tell the cops you took photo's.
    Police have a tendency to screw up investigations, and if you just happen to have killed the Mayors Crack Adict son you could be looking at Murder and lost evidence.
    Or what if the kid is the rich bastards son that controls the local politicians.
    You are going to want a few photo's to give your lawyer "Just in case".

    1. Call 911. Hide. See a weapon then fire. Render aid until police arrive.

  5. dig a hole and put him in it and don't tell a soul.

  6. Don't do this in MD.

  7. dead men tell no tales! everything you say CAN and WILL be used against you! clam up get a lawyer!

  8. Make sure you kill the intruder. If they live they will sue you for their pain and suffering. Make sure they are in your house when you do this. If you shoot them as they flee, drag them back into you home and call the police.

    1. That's nonsense. Even if they are dead you can still be sued by their estate or family.

  9. Make sure the person in graveyard DEAD then call 911 and the attorney.

  10. 1058 he/she does not have right to come in your house but you cannot shoot the person to death just for doing it.

  11. 12:35 You CAN shoot the bastard & make shure he is Dead !!

    Problem solved !!! Make shure you say "You Feared for your
    Life & Family's Life " !!

    Don't shoot in the Back & target the Head !!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    1058 he/she does not have right to come in your house but you cannot shoot the person to death just for doing it.

    February 11, 2020 at 12:35 PM

    The hell you can't. I'll take this opportunity to remind folks of the law the state of Indiana passed allowing the shooting of rouge police officers who enter someone's home.

    More than half of states have so-called castle doctrine laws, which give people the right to defend themselves against intruders in their homes, but Indiana is one of few, if not the only, state where law enforcement officials aren't exempt.

    Now, this happened in 2012, signed into law by the governor of Indiana. If it has been repealed I haven't heard.

  13. Specifically, police officers in Indiana are speaking out against a law that was introduced back in 2012 that gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves against a public servant who oversteps his or her authority. Nov 2, 2019

    So it appears it has NOT been repealed...yet.

  14. If they are IN They are YOURS !!! Period

  15. Shoot them but not in the back if they are leaving the scene and out of your house and you are no longer in danger--.JUDGEMENT CALL AS THEY COULD RETURN TO ELIMINATE ANY WITNESS.

  16. Pat yourself on the back and say "well done, Bud".

  17. Buy some more bullets !!!! If they Sue , they Loose , Not worried in the least , so Stay away from my house !!!!

  18. Hire a good lawyer that works for you and not the state and ensure you get a right-winger on the jury.

  19. Hire NO Local lawyers !!!! Rule # 1
    Get one somewhere else !!!!


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