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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Watch – Pete Buttigieg: Flood Small American Towns with Immigration to Grow Population

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, is touting a new visa program to flood small American towns with legal immigrants to grow the regions’ populations — a boon to corporate investors, housing developers, and big business.

During a campaign stop in Merrimack, New Hampshire, Buttigieg touted his investor-friendly plan to inundate small American towns and rural communities with legal immigration for the sole purpose of driving up population growth.

Buttigieg said:

I’m proposing what we call “Community Renewal Visas” that when a community that is very much in need of growing its population, recognizes that, and makes a choice to welcome more than its share of new Americans that we create a fast-track, if they apply for an allotment of visas, that goes to those who are willing to be in those areas that maybe are hurting for population but have great potential.
Buttigieg’s population growth agenda mimics a plan by the Economic Innovation Group, an organization led by investors, that seeks to create a “Heartland Visa” to flood small American towns with more legal immigration to increase the population.



  1. America is Already flooded with Illegals > THanks to Democrats

  2. No thank you. Not because they’re immigrants, but because we need to consider farmland preservation, water resources, infrastructure when we consider how much our land and natural resources can support.

    1. All the Dems are coconspirators in the largest RICO case of human trafficking and tax evasion.

  3. Dont let that luciferian PEE WEE HERWAN wanna be near our high office. The nerve of the little twit already denying LEGAL LAW! Beside GODs. Its so obvious he the NWO desired candidate. Just what the luciferians need in the white house. And to think we were upset with that art crap called the pissing christ!

  4. Time for CIVIL WAR.

  5. Good name for booty jig, pee wee herwan, the little twit.

  6. Look at Salisbury people it's already"happening"

  7. no thanks i`m happy with the little town i live in don`t need more people here. if Buttigieg want`s to increase the population he should have more children or make the homes in HIS neighborhood more affordable so he can live with white trash immagrants.

  8. Flood America's heartland with democratic voters is the translation..

  9. I'm not sure why we would want population growth when we can't take care of the population we have.

  10. Obummer already did that.
    He flooded Hazelton PA with illegals and put the small city into the dumper.

  11. So, how are these small communities, to supply housing, employment, etc. Many are already struggling to keep the towns afloat. How about helping these communities first.

  12. 719 you are another crap spewing clown. Immigration brought back manufacturing jobs, created a surge in small business startups, and was great for real estate in Hazelton. Sorry if you are offended that the people who took advantage of these opportunities were often a bit more brown-skinned than you.


  13. OK.. let's say we flood Delmar, Federalsburg and Pocomoke with immigrants.

    1) Where are they going to live? Will they all bring with them enough money to build a house?

    2) Where are they going to work?

    The population density of an area tends to be self-regulating, based on available jobs, housing and other factors (like something as simple as being able to put in a well for water, or septic requirements.)

    This idea is DUMB. Like a lot of his ideas. Another boy mayor.

  14. Read the article people!! It's another boy mayor scam providing the opportunity for their buddy developers/investors to build government housing, enslave majority of the illegals with welfare living, and votes for the liberal left and 5 minutes of fame for gay boy Pete

  15. That's because he can't 😂😂😂😂

  16. Butt-Gig is IRRELEVANT !!!!


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