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Friday, February 07, 2020

Trump takes his revenge: Gordon Sondland is ousted as EU Ambassador just hours after Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman was FIRED

Gordon Sondland has become the second impeachment witness to be fired by President Trump, less than 48 hours after the Commander-in-chief was acquitted by the Senate on two charges.

Sondland, who was Ambassador to the European Union, released a statement Friday evening, which read: 'I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately'.

The statement continued: 'I am grateful to President Trump for having given me the opportunity to serve, to Secretary Pompeo for his consistent support, and to the exceptional and dedicated professionals at the U.S. Mission to the European Union.

'I am proud of our accomplishments. Our work here has been the highlight of my career.'



  1. Wow, such an "in-depth" slanted article in The UK Daily Rag! Almost like they want revenge on POTUS, you think?

  2. Ousting them is not revenge, it is just fulfilling President Trumps promise to drain the swamp.

  3. Now to Clintonize Ciamarella for his crimes of treason against the people.

  4. Oh, DARN! That door just hit you in the ARSE, LOL!

  5. Now it's not "obstruction" of any investigation, and is simply an exercise of his duly elected powers. With acquittal, he has regained all his rights as President. Take that bitch and her lemmings, oops, I mean Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Et Al. Here's a needle in your eyes.

  6. Love it keep up the good work Trump don't forget to get rid of Nadler, Schumer, Pelosi and Schiff, then maybe you might have something closer to a real House of Representatives again, or do away with them all together.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh, DARN! That door just hit you in the ARSE, LOL!

    February 8, 2020 at 9:27 AM

    lol I liked that one

  8. GREAT !!!! These 2 Dirty snakes should be FIRED & prosecuted
    too !!! Obama leftovers Just got their Karma !!!

  9. LOVE IT !!! Keep up the GOOD WORK


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