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Friday, February 07, 2020

Patients at Wuhan's coronavirus hospital are given TURTLES for dinner after contracting the deadly disease spread to humans from wild animals

Patients at one of Wuhan's coronavirus hospitals have been given turtle meat for dinner while being quarantined, it has emerged.

'Today's meal includes softshell turtle meat,' one person in isolation claimed in a video released by Chinese media.

The contagious disease, which has killed 638 people, was passed onto humans from wild animals - especially bats and snakes - through other animals, experts believe.

Chinese scientists today suggested that pangolins might be the link which allowed the virus to spread from bats to mankind.



  1. Is it real turtle soup or merely the Mock

  2. It is nice that "experts" believe that the virus passed from animals to humans. Other experts, who are not under the Chinese whip, believe that it was passed from the bio-weapons lab to the Wuhan population.

  3. Pangolin scales (considered to have healing qualities by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners) are valued at $3,000 per kilogram, pangolin meat (considered a delicacy) at $300 per kilograms, and live pangolins at $992.Apr 30, 2015

  4. Evidence these people still live in the dark ages.

  5. Evidence these people still live in the dark ages.

    February 8, 2020 at 9:07 AM:

    And yet they survive as one of the most populous nations on the planet. Your point is moot.

  6. China has farms that raise turtles for human consumption. Taste like chicken

  7. Locals catch and cook snapping turtles for turtle soup. It's very good. What's the problem?


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