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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Suspect identified in racist vandalism at SU

The Salisbury University Police Department, in conjunction with the FBI, has identified a suspect in the string of racist vandalism that occurred in Henson Hall, Fulton Hall and the Academic Commons last Wednesday, according to a press release from President Wight's office.

The suspect does not appear to be a part of the campus community and does not have an immediate connection to campus.

The case has been referred to the Wicomico County State's Attorney's office to determine charges and prosecution.

The suspect has not been identified by name and there have been no arrests for any charges.



  1. Thank goodness. I can now rest easy knowing the biggest crime to ever occur in the history of Salisbury has been solved. Such a relief!

  2. Bet the graffiti said MAGA or Trump ? or maybe even Limbaugh for president ?

  3. Here we go with ALL the lies and deception!!

    1. that ridiculous thread where several people were literally branded as racist equal to nazis... I was one... I called bs to the spoiled little millennials that wanted to tar and feather me and a few others .. I hope they’re reading this... we have a major problem with idiots that will cause an insurection before admiting they have no intellectual capacity

  4. WHY WONT they identify by name. Would it be to easy for the public to figure out his RACE??! NO ARRESTS? WHY? Is it because the person is BLACK? Its not like we didn't know as soon as it happened!

    1. Come on Jakey boy. I would love to see you on the news and say it's one of your "people of color" and how misunderstood they were when they wrote it. So sad and upset about the THREE black PEOPLE that were hung back in slave days they wanted to get back at the whites and that's why they did it story. I'm so offended by the "lynching memorial" that is being put together we need to close the town. Down right pathetic. I do not find what was written to be a good thing by far. It was wrong, ignorant and just stupid but closing schools because students were scared? Give me a break. Maybe they should go to wihi and and other schools in the county and see all the racist stuff about white people and blacks. There some nasty shit at times but they dont close down. I guess we will see IF anything happens to this person who did it. But I know for damn sure if the person was white it would be plastered on every news outlet around. Double standard and reverse racism at its finest

  5. So what I am reading from this news?----is that someone who has no current affiliation with the college has access to the interior guts of the student body. Should students and their family be concerned about this type of access? Why is everything so secretive as a certain type or participants of the criminal news in Wicomico seems to be? Just asking. Are we still trying to put lipstick on a pig? How about some good ole' truth about what is going on in this county. Fruitland does not even provide crime stats so its inhabitants can see what is going on in their community. Where the hell is transparency of government? What does government have to hide from its citizens? And yet they want us to "care" about our community. Give me a break!

    1. Anyone can just walk right into any public college classroom/library/etc with zero credentials. Usually the only time you need to scan in is the cafeteria or dorms.

    2. The graffiti was in one of the dorms as well...

    3. I do work onsite as a contractor I can confirm I can get anywhere for the most part on campus without signing in or keys. Some areas of the dorms I can’t access. But most of the time I don’t need to sign keys out because a student will just hold the door for me. This goes for over a dozen colleges and university’s Ive done work at.

  6. What is the probability they will actually name the suspect if all the evidence is corroborated

  7. Yep. Sure enough, it’s a black guy. After berating, accusing and blaming whites, it’s a black man. Just like last time. Funny, there is no mention of race in this press release. Rest assured, if it was a white person who did it, they would have no problem releasing that info. This will be swept under the rug, just like last time. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Disgusting. Let’s hear the NAACP and black students speak up against their own people and apologize the the white community for all of their baseless attacks. Nope. Won’t happen. It doesn’t fit their narrative. Always have to be the victim.

    1. Do you have a link that states it was a black male? I am sure it’s a nonwhite, but females seem to be slightly more likely to fake these hoaxes. Typically fat with big thick braided looking hair, possibly glasses, coarse features.

      But we shall see.

    2. Daaamn, you just described the woman of my dreams.

  8. What is the probability they will actually name the suspect if all the evidence is corroborated

  9. Sadly, my hunch is this suspect is a poc. Otherwise, his/her picture and identity would be plastered everywhere.

  10. They’ll need to rename their safe space the Jussie Smollett Center For Drama.

  11. Hmmm

    no description given ?

    bet your ass he was not white ?

  12. Pretty ambiguous press release. I smell a rat.

  13. WHY no Arrest ????? Is he BLACK.

  14. No name ? We all know the cover up is because they were black like every other time. The mayor and SU faculty owe the white students an apology at minimum maybe give them time to heal after this racist attack on white students

  15. Jessie smullett. Come on say the name.

  16. "The suspect has not been identified by name, and there have been no arrests for any charges."

    inquiring minds want to know why?

  17. Sounds about right. I wonder if it is the numbskull who was the first one posting images of the scrawls on Twitter. I assumed he was going to be the first one questioned.

  18. Well we know this is going to be swept under a rug. A person of color tries to incite hate and it is all excused.

  19. On bare principal because of the waste of taxpayer time anx money. Charges should be filled and an example should be made. That this bull#$!+ Has got to stop

  20. No arrest and no charges... Hmmm. Delay.
    This must be politically sensitive. They can’t figure how to make it go away.

  21. Sad all the way around. Can’t wait till they say the name cause it reflects on all their upbringing great job parents of this dead beat. No matter color.

  22. White or black, why would they cancel classes on a University for stuff written on a wall. Students were in fear? BS! Kids today are so coddled it is unreal! As a parent of a student I want money back! Not like it was a bomb threat or gun threat. Words on a wall snowflakes. Get over it and move on!

  23. Let me get this straight,

    you better get use to the fact if this was a white guy....
    there might be riots

    one more thing

    Jake Day is an instigator

  24. It was a black that did it. Just like last time. This is TWICE that this has happened and whites have been blamed, both times, yet it was actually a black that did it. The white community is owed apologies. Yet, the next time it happens, everyone will break their legs jumping on the “white people did it because they are racist” bandwagon. Ridiculous. I think all white students should be given a week of healing for being falsely accused.

    1. Where was the HATE CRIME charge.

    2. I feel triggered. These losers should be held accountable for their crimes.

  25. Someone whispered black and associated with the mayor. I dont think there are many left we can count on for fair justice.

  26. My guess it's the missing girl from fruitland last seen at the college. It looked like girls handwriting

  27. Cant believe one of you clown readers havent blamed jake day or mike lewis. Im sure its coming tho.


  28. I hope the lynching continuous memory stirring racial conflict elite statue and parklet group will expand their memorial to include graffiti scrawled on SU hallways. A museum and mural should also be strongly considered. Not entirely /sarc

  29. The FBI is involved, so there’s no stopping it now. This kid is going to get the book thrown at him. It’s now out of the hands of SU.

  30. So a non college person went to a 80 percent white college and wrote 1980s bathroom graffiti.. So ridiculous.

  31. If it turns out to be a person of color will Jake make another post about racist are not welcome?Hmmm oh yeah his deployment is coming soon so hellow Mayor Glanz !

  32. Back in the day they were called agitators. They were often later introduced to baseball bats and pickax handles by citizens who didn't buy their crap and feared for their children's and communities' well being.

  33. They won't release the name of the suspect until he's been arrested. It says right on the post that the case has been referred to the state's attorney's office to "determine charges and prosecution." Wonder why so many people have trouble comprehending what they read or commenting before they bothered to read the associated article?

    1. 6:07 - Are you trying to say that there won't be any arrest ?

    2. Probably won’t be, since the person committing the hate crime is black.

      That’s called BLACK PRIVILEGE.

  34. Ben Rayne is on FB monitoring the situation on WMDT's page and calling everyone a racist, since he couldn't handle the situation he called in "anti whitey and I don't pay my rent" McCoy.

    Ben does a lot of surfing during work time since this occured at 1:30pm. I wonder if his employer knows.

    On January 21st at 9:50 AM he spent his work morning penning a letter admitting he smokes pot and thinks we all should be subjected to it in public. I wonder if he is going to work high.

    Ben must be a crappy employee. How does he get any work done when he spends his day on facebook

  35. 10:22 Right! Keep thinking that. The FBI?
    I have more faith in a crossing guard!
    The FBI agents are jokes. Zero integrity or personal dignity. The agency is a joke.
    Obama built that.

  36. I'm no forensic expert, but i DID stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
    It's obviously a girls writing, and by the slant, it looks like she writes with her left hand.


  38. Will the new black racial unit be Disbanded if it's a black dude ?.

  39. Joe please stay on top of this story.

  40. Nobody thought of the obvious way they’ll look the other way. The suspect is a minor and CANNOT be identified. 🙄 🤫

  41. Racist Smacist !!! Sick of hearing it all the time > get a Life !!!!

    All the Races are Racist & favor their own kind > FACT !!! Not going away

  42. Jake's WIFE did it !!! LOL LOL

  43. I said as soon as the 'news' was posted that I'd bet it was yet AGAIN done by a "person on color" just like the LAST TIME. Closing the University was one of the dumbest things I've had to witness yet...keep powdering these kids asses and hiding REALITY from them...major mistake!

    As for Ben Rayne and the WMDT threads- I'd like to know who he "works" for. He's IMO a poor representation for their business, one I'd not knowingly patronize. He's truly a "racist/race baiter". Those posts on WMDT look like I'm talking to myself when in FACT on one I was loading him for his comment to me (that of course he has deleted - also blocked me LOL) and I quote: "...calm your white ass down." I don't know who the hell he THINKS he is but I'd be happy to have a FACE TO FACE with him :)

    In another thread myself and another man were trying to EDUCATE him on the HIPAA law - the reason HE claimed the "suspect's" identity couldn't be revealed. So of course being shown he was AGAIN incorrect he deleted his comments and blocked BOTH of us LOL

    I don't care if you're pink with purple polka dots - commit the CRIME - do the TIME as hopefully will be the case in this situation.

  44. Keep pressure on SPD AND THE FBI to post the PERP.

  45. I have seen More so-called vandalism (graffiti ) in a truck stop
    Bathroom > Woooooooooo I am sooooo upset !! LOL

  46. Luciferian deception from the master dececeivers.leftist progressive DEMOCRATS and their ignorant followers.need i say more lies lies deception, confusion, fear, hate!! wake up!! its right in front of our faces.

    1. 8:47- Ever heard about preaching to the choir? You, should wake up! Stop thinking you are above others! We likely know more than your repetitive comments. Screaming, "Repent" does not elevate you to higher thinking than others. Have a sense of awareness before wagging your finger at everyone else. Your vanity needs a course correction!

  47. There will always be disturbed persons of any race or sex who do anything they can to create hate between other people. I believe that most people (like me) see it for what it is and continue to live an honest and friendly life...

  48. Is it just a coincidence that the anti-lynching team was assembled and all of the sudden there is another "hate crime". I wouldn't be surprised if one of the team did it to get publicity and sentiment towards their stupid cause.

    1. Perhaps Jake in blackface

    2. The "TEAM" Should be we Plant fake racist crap on campus to scare whitey.

  49. The black female student at SU admitted doing the same thing several years ago was not charged with anything either criminally or administratively. And, was allowed to remain a student. If, perhaps a white person has done the current graffiti will they be given the same consideration? After all, we all believe in equal rights and treatment under the law.

    1. They could’ve pinned it on a white student who may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time

  50. Notice “suspect identified”... but not “suspect arrested.”

    Guarantee Mary Ashanti and her cronies are scrabbling behind the scenes to prevent the guilty person from being publicly identified, let alone arrested or charged.

  51. UMES instigators did it !!!!

  52. 6:21 you would definitely think that with all the leftmedia coverage!

  53. Has the cover up begun? I haven't seen anything new on the SU issue on any sites or stations

  54. Who ever it is they should get the same treatment the clowns a couple of years ago got. Oh that's right nothing happened because they were Black. Time to get this system under control. So do Whites get a break like Smollet did. The liberal left appears immune to prosecution these days. White Lives Matter.

  55. This guy needs to pay the investigatory $$ like Jussie. Plus the shutting down of SU for a day.

  56. BLACK PRIVILEGE !!! Exactly what it is.

  57. So. It's been a few days and no name or photo of identified suspect? I believe in waiting before jumping to conclusions, but it has been several days of silence on this issue.


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