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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Shameless Virginia Democrats Heckle Pastor, Walk Out in Protest of His Prayer

A pastor’s biblical prayer was not only heckled but outright snubbed by Virginia Democrats in a shameless display.

Democratic lawmakers in Virginia’s House of Delegates made their distaste of the Rev. Dr. Robert M. Grant Jr. clear Tuesday morning by heckling the pastor and walking out on his opening prayer.

Grant’s prayer started without outrage, but that changed when the pastor warned against legislation that violates biblical principles.

“I pray that you may understand that all life is precious and worthy of a chance to be born. God is a giver of life and people have no right or authority to take life,” Grant said. “The unborn has rights, and those rights need to be protected.”



  1. Wow. My man done been dis'ed. Hahaha.

  2. That shows a guilty conscience and not governing for he people

  3. I suggest they be barred from ever going to church again. Obviously VA law makers have no respect for man kind. Remember when voting VA?

    1. They just voted most of them into office. So dont count on them being voted out anytime soon.

    2. The people can out anyone put in by the people. They most certainly don't have to wait for an election year to do it!!

  4. Intolerance of others'views and beliefs are hallmarks of the rabid among the Democratic party.

    1. Wrong!

      It is a hallmark of Communists

  5. Yep. You got it. Always the double standard. Dems have preached tolerance and openness for years, but in fact, have no tolerance of anyone's views but their own. The pastor was right when he said if they didn't want to hear biblical pastoral views they shouldn't have asked him.

  6. Stop going to liberal colleges for your education!
    It saddens me to see what the Old Dominion state has become!
    No longer the heart of Dixie but another sickening blue state with blue state problems.

    My son ran into some of this at UMES when he went there.
    He got a dorm room to himself because most of the the "people of color" didn't want to room with a white kid!
    Didn't bother me or him a bit!

  7. Remember, DEMS are godless. period!

  8. Wow. 3:19, you hit the nail on the head!

  9. Absolutely laughable.

    This isn't a prayer... it was political stumping and posturing. Did any of you even watch this? It is as dishonest as it gets. A shining example of why religion and government should not intertwine.

    @ February 13, 2020 at 3:19 PM What country do you live in? Democrats are "godless"? Most Americans are Christian... ipso facto Most DEMOCRATS are Christian.

    Turning religion and faith in God into some sort of political weapon is gross and shameful.


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