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Sunday, February 09, 2020

School Bus Driver Charged With Reckless Endangering and Vehicular Assault-Long Neck

Long Neck- The Delaware State Police have arrested 65-year-old Granville R. Lawson of Dagsboro, DE, on multiple counts of Reckless Endangering and Vehicular Assault.
On January 28, 2020, the Delaware State Police were made aware of an incident that occurred on a school bus transporting students home from the Long Neck Elementary School. Through further investigations, it was learned that the school bus driver, Granville R. Lawson, was traveling within the Bay City MHP, Long Neck, for afternoon drop-offs.  Lawson proceeded to intentionally slam on the bus’s brakes, causing injury to multiple students on board.  Proceeding the incident Lawson made an announcement over the PA system: “See what I can do when you get out of your seats”.  It was learned that Lawson made no announcements concerning children being out of their seats just prior to the forceful application of the bus’s brakes. After the incident, Lawson proceeded to continue with his drop-offs.
During this incident, there were a total of 30 students on board ranging from ages 6 to 11 and a 77-year-old adult aid.  Contact was made with all of the 30 students’ legal guardians and it was confirmed that 11 victims sustained injuries from this incident ranging from bruising, to abrasions, and also concussion like symptoms.  The remaining 19 victims did not report any injury however all reported the reckless manner in which Lawson intentionally stopped the bus. Ten of the parents whose child did not sustain injury declined prosecution in lieu of disciplinary action by the school.
Lawson was taken into custody while at Troop 4 on February 3, 2020 and charged with the following:
  • Reckless Endangering Second Degree  (9 counts)
  • Vehicular Assault Third Degree (11 counts)
Lawson was arraigned before the Justice of the Peace Court and released on his own recognizance.
If you or someone you know is a victim or witness of crime or have lost a loved one to a sudden death and are in need of assistance, the Delaware State Police Victim Services Unit/Delaware Victim Center is available to offer you support and resources 24 hours a day through a toll free hotline 1800 VICTIM-1. (1800 842-8461).  You may also email the unit Director at debra.reed@state.de.us.


  1. he's from long neck? Cuz he don't have one.

  2. The little bastards deserved it

  3. He is an immigrant from noneckistan 7:32

  4. This is why driving a bus load of drunks in Ocean CIty is so much less stressful than driving kids without supervision. Why wasn't the "adult aid" maintaining order so that this driver was trying to do his job? Job: Driving the bus, not maintaining juvenile conduct.

    1. Very good point 8:28, that is the adult aid's job .... isn't it?

    2. Article says the aid was a 77yo. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

  5. You couldn't pay me enough to be a bus driver...

  6. They just taught 30 children directly and 100’s others indirectly, it’s ok to disobey rules. Bus rules, teacher rules, school rules, social rules.
    They just taught children if they are punished for breaking the rules by a big bad rule enforcer, the government will step in and punish him for reminding them safety comes first and he is the captain. SIT THE F*** DOWN!
    Injuries? BS. Their feelings were hurt for being called out for breaking the rules.
    Grow up America!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The little bastards deserved it

    February 4, 2020 at 8:17 PM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is why driving a bus load of drunks in Ocean CIty is so much less stressful than driving kids without supervision. Why wasn't the "adult aid" maintaining order so that this driver was trying to do his job? Job: Driving the bus, not maintaining juvenile conduct.

    February 4, 2020 at 8:28 PM

    The driver is responsible for passengers in the vehicle he is operating.'

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They just taught 30 children directly and 100’s others indirectly, it’s ok to disobey rules. Bus rules, teacher rules, school rules, social rules.
    They just taught children if they are punished for breaking the rules by a big bad rule enforcer, the government will step in and punish him for reminding them safety comes first and he is the captain. SIT THE F*** DOWN!
    Injuries? BS. Their feelings were hurt for being called out for breaking the rules.
    Grow up America!

    February 4, 2020 at 11:18 PM

    This was not an appropriate 'punishment' in any stretch of the imagination. And dismissing the children's injuries, without even seeing them? Come on now.

    If looks are anything to go by, this guys mug is telling. He looks like some of y'alls comments.

  8. 11:18 is correct and 3:26 well that why 11:18 is correct because we have too many 3:26 libtards. Tough workd out here but appears this generations is lacking in respect, morals, attitude, education

  9. Not that I condone what he did. These kids probably have not been listening to the driver for a long time. Everyone has their breaking point. I blame the parents for not instilling basic respect for the kids elders and authoritative figures. I think I would have stopped the bus and called for help.

  10. The parents are to blame for not teaching their kids to respect adults and the rules of good behavior in general.I bet a lot of those kids will be in some kind of serious trouble when they become adults.

  11. If I'm not mistaken, children on the bus are supposed to be in their seats at all times.

  12. How in the hell did he get a medical card to drive a bus with kids in it? He is a walking diabetic, heart attack waiting to happen. Better have his trial soon, or he might not last long enough to participate.

  13. A tap on the brakes would have thrown the kids off balance and given the message. Slamming on brakes and causing injuries was just mean and he has no business ever driving a school bus again (shouldn't have been driving one to begin with). Prosecution is appropriate.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:18 is correct and 3:26 well that why 11:18 is correct because we have too many 3:26 libtards. Tough workd out here but appears this generations is lacking in respect, morals, attitude, education

    February 5, 2020 at 6:58 AM

    I am not a 'libtard' at all and I am certainly not a 'libtard' just because you say so. But I am a human being with the knowledge of differences between punishment and abuse.

    You and some others would be well served to read up on it.


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