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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Ex-NAACP president set to represent Baltimore district Trump called 'very dangerous & filthy place'

Former Maryland Democratic Rep. Kweisi Mfume is set to return to Congress after 24 years, representing a Baltimore district President Trump derided as a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."

Mfume on Tuesday won the Democratic nomination in the 7th District, held for more than two decades by the late Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, a frequent Trump political foil. Winning the primary is tantamount to victory in the heavily Democratic district, which takes in a bit over half the city of Baltimore, plus most of suburban Howard County. The general election is on April 28.

Mfume, 71, a former NAACP president, captured a strong plurality of the vote in a field of two dozen Democratic hopefuls. He easily beat Cummings's widow, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, former head of the state Democratic Party, and state Sen. Jill P. Carter, among others.



  1. is he gonna just as much for the district as cummings did?

  2. Meet the new stooge, same as the old stooge.

  3. @2:50 you mean the original stooge

  4. The president only told the truth.

  5. OMG Mfume is a race baiting idiot!

  6. Real name Frizzell Gerald Gray. So Kweisi is better than Frizzell? Whatever.

  7. He is the president correct? Why not step in and do something instead of just making statements.

    1. 3:38 Why should he do that?🤔 Isn’t it the city of Baltimore’s job to clean up their own mess? Did you wear your white pantsuit Tuesday night during the State of the Union address too? #pathetic

  8. Not a given to win. The candidate running against him a a black female who is very popular. Hope they vote for change and elect her. Mfume has lots of baggage she can use against him.

  9. WTF has happened to Maryland and the city of Baltimore?? When did we become such a affirmative action, welfare subsidized state??

  10. It went to hell after Donald Schaefer left office

  11. I use to lock him in his jail cell nightly at M.C.I.J. in Jessup Maryland back in the 1980s

    How can he run for office ?

    1. If you worked their then what is the nickname and why?

  12. From one crook to another

  13. My guess is he did nothing at NAACP and that will become the new normal.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: If you are interested in what happens when a minority is elected or appointed to a position of power and authority, research mayor Kawame Kilpatrick from Detroit for an outstanding example of the corrupt behavior that has repeated itself with so many others like him including glaring examples in your own Baltimore. Ask your selves why they are continually elected and re-elected by the very people that they are harming? There is some sort of racial pathology rampant in those communities that provides satisfaction when one of these crooks stick it to the man. My challenge is if you can’t refute my facts print my comment and quit being so sensitive about truth and facts that don’t fit the multicultural agenda.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: 10:00 was that question for me? I fully do not understand.


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