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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Salisbury News Supports And Endorses Alexander Scott For This District 2 Seat

I've always stated I truly do not care what party you are with as long as you are the right person for the position and have the best interest for your community. Alex can and will represent his district with honor and dignity and I highly recommend you support him. 


  1. Unfortunately, the Democrats supporting him will threaten to remove support if he doesn't do what they say...

    Pretty much all of the time - I don't like what they say!

  2. why would anyone in their right mind vote for the anti God anti american baby killing democrats?
    WTF is wrong with you people?

  3. Joe, I would normally support you in your recommendations but on this you are far off base. Perhaps digging into this will enlighten you or whoever wrote this article. There is a lot to be said here.

  4. Democratic party i don't think so. At one point in time i would vote for who i thought could do the job better but now democratic party isn't the group it once was. I couldn't vote any democrat in office there actions and motives are way out of line. As a voter i respect the the office and title no matter who is in it because that is how it should be.

  5. Is this real, or are you messing with us? Do you know him? This has to be a joke.

  6. Have you forgotten that Alex Scott owns the gay bar called the Brick Room where Jim Ireton was the guest DJ on Gay Night??

    Yep, Alex Scott will do great things for his District! NOT!

  7. Alex Scott is friends with Jake Day and the Progressive Democrats who work against the County Executive and Wicomico County. At least Nicole Acle works well with Bob Culver where Alex hates Bob.

  8. That would put 4 Democrats in charge of the Wicomico County Council making them the majority. What a dumb move on your part, Joe Albero!

  9. Another tax and spend Democrat,No Thanks.

  10. Some Democrats might be good people but once they are elected, the DNC will make them tow the party line.

  11. I will never ever vote for another Dem I mean ever for anything
    Chinaberry residence should not be in #2 District anyhow
    What does he know about Sharptown, Mardela Springs or the west side of the county overall
    Acle has helped Mardela Springs with the School issues and with the stink tank issue etc

    She has been involved in the west side of the county issues prior to appointed she has my vote
    She attends town meetings and is involved more than any elected county official in the last 10 years

    Sorry to disagree with you on this one

    All the District lines are set up so someone with a SBY address will always win no real county voice on the County Council except joe Holloway

  12. Wish someone would explain why we should support scott and not Acle. I have no clue who these people are but I cringe at the thought of voting dem anything.

  13. Acle has our vote.

  14. This is a person who will lie in front of anyone, news, other political people to further his personal agenda. Do we need more liars in office. I don't think so

  15. Say it ain't so, Joe? Seriously, a liberal democrat over a conservative republican? I've had the pleasure of speaking with both. Acle 100%

  16. At least he’s from here. Kilmer moved away right after he won

  17. I've met him, and I agree. He'll bring sanity to the dems! Like Tulsi tried to do.

  18. Why are so many of you "sorry to disagree with me"? I know Alex and have known him for years. He doesn't own a "gay bar". He simply owns a bar some gay people enjoy patronizing. You could say the same for MoJo's so come on, give that a rest. Get to know Alex and what he stands for. It's so easy to sit on the outside hiding behind anonymous, (which is your right) and make such harsh statements. Look, try to remember, I'm married to a Liberal. Why some of you Idiot republicans think it is our job to HATE anyone who is a democrat is immature and just plain stupid. I'll remind all of you, most democrats on the shore are conservative democrats. John Cannon claims he's a republican but we all know better. Did you ever think Alex is a registered democrat since registering at 18 and changed his stance??? Many democrats are in fact doing just that. Nevertheless, grow up people. I am not a bad person because I stand up for the people I know and believe in. Thanks fr the healthy debate though. Lear to agree to disagree eastern shore, that'
    s all.

    1. Even regardless of standing up and believing in the people you know. IMO your more of a libertarian then even a republican which generally i think is a good thing. Your more of a free independent thinker then most people are.

      Regardless of party lines many times and for some years now you have stood up for what you thought was right.

      Many times i dont agree with you, but alteast i can count on it being your actual opinion amd not just towing the party line.

      You people that are 100% democrats or 100% republicans are truly sick and have a mental illness.

  19. joe you see what's happening in virginia, maryland and the rest of the country where democrats are a majority. democrats are the party of death, death of freedom death from taxation, everything they touch or are in favor of brings death! I don't need the help they are so willing to provide, I can do that all by myself! Thank you very much!

  20. 4:50, So you're suggesting my own Wife is in the party of death? Have you Idiots ever heard of conservative democrats. You are making all democrats out to be the Anti Christ while hiding behind anonymous. You are a coward, a sh!t stirrer. I accept your comment because you have the right to your opinion and I respect that. However, we will agree to disagree. Do you even know Alex? Have you ever called him? I'm pretty confident you have not because if you had you wouldn't be making such an ignorant comment.

    1. Conservative Democrats in 2020 ? No such thing.

  21. Nicole Acle has been very engaged on the west side, standing up for the people in her district. Electing Scott would guarantee that Bill McCain would become president of the council and that is something that Wicomico County does not need. Joe you need to look at the big picture here.

  22. Alex Scott applied to the Republican Central Committee to fill Councilman Marc Kilmer's seat and lied to the Central Committee stating that he was a Republican and that was a FAT LIE! He never changed parties and he lied to get the appointment. Thank God they didn't fall for his crap. As a matter of fact, they were smarter than you are Joe because they threw out his application immediately!

  23. JoeAlbero said...
    Why are so many of you "sorry to disagree with me"? I know Alex and have known him for years. He doesn't own a "gay bar". He simply owns a bar some gay people enjoy patronizing. You could say the same for MoJo's so come on, give that a rest. Get to know Alex and what he stands for. It's so easy to sit on the outside hiding behind anonymous, (which is your right) and make such harsh statements. Look, try to remember, I'm married to a Liberal. Why some of you Idiot republicans think it is our job to HATE anyone who is a democrat is immature and just plain stupid. I'll remind all of you, most democrats on the shore are conservative democrats. John Cannon claims he's a republican but we all know better. Did you ever think Alex is a registered democrat since registering at 18 and changed his stance??? Many democrats are in fact doing just that. Nevertheless, grow up people. I am not a bad person because I stand up for the people I know and believe in. Thanks fr the healthy debate though. Lear to agree to disagree eastern shore, that'
    s all.

    February 21, 2020 at 3:56 PM

    Yes he owns a gay bar. Apparently you don't know him enough.

    1. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


  24. If the comment above stating he tried to get the Republican endorsement is accurate, that just concludes my interest in hearing more about this guy. We are ill served by wolves in sheep's costumes. His business attracts a crowd with unpalatable political leanings so I'm inclined to believe his election would be a big step backwards.

    The incumbent was appointed to office and will be standing for election; she made that decision some months ago based on the filing dates. Have not heard any negatives about her.

    I don't know either of these candidates but there are no more Scoop Jackson or Bob Casey moderate or conservative Democrats; extinct species.

    Not that complicated.

  25. Never cross party lines!!! Next you’ll be backing Jake Gay????

  26. I spend money in Alex's bar ( please add a crab dip with fried pita chips) but I know nothing about his political view points but I love the chartreuse trays . I do know Acle goes to all the council and town halls in her district which is my district. She has done her best to hold the WCPS accountable for their reckless spending and responds to her constituents. I would like to see more about where he stands because his candidate page has not been active. Will he vote his way or the district he represents? He needs to start coming out to the council meetings in Hebron Sharptown and Mardela because we haven't seen him, ever. The district is more than the sliver in Salisbury. Open minded Republican.

  27. I would like to know his thoughts on the revenue cap!
    Every dumbocrat elected in this county has railed against it - the citizens want and need it!

  28. I specifically searched this post as a former Acle supporter and no more. She is so full of lies and drama. Want some help knocking doors Alex I am your man. She has an agenda not only against the school board ( which in the most part she has good points) but she has outright lied in statements has played council against executive while feeding Culver a bunch of lies. I defended her until she did it to me . I admit I was foolish believing in her thinking no it cant be true . So as a republican I can say ( in her distinct) I will not vote for her.


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