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Sunday, February 23, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Drag Queen Story Time At Pittsville Library Now Canceled, BUT THERE'S MORE!

Thanks to so many negative calls and by unpopular demand the Pittsville Library, (ON SCHOOL PROPERTY) has been cancelled. 

HOWEVER, here's the kicker. The Downtown Salisbury Wicomico County Library Director is adamant about hosting a Drag Queen Story Telling during Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day's Gay Pride Parade in June of 2020. Sources tell me she is aggressively freaking out about concerned people totally against such an event.

If I were the County Executive I'd tell that Director to not only pound sand, I'd cut off ALL funding above and beyond what the state requires. Enough is enough of this crap and it needs to be stopped immediately. These are OUR tax dollars funding YOUR Library. Funny how Muir Boda is on the board at the Library and it closely tied with Jake Day. Sources are also telling me that some board members haven't even been made aware of this happening in June. 

On a final note, don't you people find it interesting how ALL of your local media aside from me refuse to expose ANY of this. The Pittsville event was REAL. You heard nothing from your local media and all of you know damn well they all follow Salisbury News like a hawk and have said NOTHING about it. In my opinion I know they called the Library Director about the Pittsville reading and either they didn't ask about the Salisbury event OR the Library Director never said anything about the Salisbury event. I have CONFIRMED both!


  1. Leftmedia is the problem in society keeping quiet about agendas that the majority of people are against.

  2. These people are taking the lead from the bigger stage (national level). Probably some “National Association of Libraries” or some such.

  3. Awww now poor Ryan... I mean Ruth won't get to roll around in that new dress and wig. Sorry dude...

  4. Who in their right mind would take their kids to see that? Why would you want your kid to think that was normal or acceptable.

  5. Praise The Lord! It becomes more apparent every day, that liberals have lost all forms of common sense.

  6. ESRL makes this child endangerment/ mental molestation possible. State funded, they coordinate the state message, distribute books, money and tech services to local libraries. There are a few perverts with an agenda working there, the rest pretend to have relevant jobs for the pay and benefits. Suck up liberal Norm Conway got a relative a cushie supervisor job there so they say.
    The Maryland state library system is a cesspool of extremist liberalism, hippie hypocrisy, BLM communists and other assorted criminal types.
    That swamp needs to be drained too. Libraries are dangerous places.

    1. @6:48 absolutely!! Anyone that would let their children go to the library downtown needs their heads examined. The place is overrun with homeless, alcoholic, drug addicts with no where to go. The adult computer lab is disgusting and smells of piss and BO.

  7. Gather up a bunch of homeless and have them attend also. Make it a nice event for everyone.

  8. Maybe they misunderstood what Reading Rainbow was?

    1. This!!! Lmao you win the internet


  9. Think we need a Go Fund Me to assist the library director in getting fresh resumes printed for a job search. Heard Bloomberg is hiring anyone with a pulse.

  10. This event is nothing more than the molestation of an innocent child's mind. Stop this!!!

  11. Call Ms Teagle directly. 410-749-3612 Ext 113

  12. I agree. Shut the damn library down for even considering this trashy BS! Who in their right mind would even think of taking their child to something like this. Salisbury has turned into Gay town ,USA.

  13. I remember when a pervert was just a pervert.

  14. Do blind story teller drag Queens read aloud from Braille ?

    1. Is this suppose to be funny? Idiot..

  15. Close the library now. fire everyone, the Pittsville walmart can give them jobs. I'll take over the library and run it like maybe.....

    a library?

  16. What in the world is happening to our children in Wicomico County? They are being preyed upon with drugs and sexual assaults in the schools and now they are being introduced to these perverted acts with the help of County Library personnel. When is somebody going to step forward and take action to correct these problems?

  17. I think a group of REAL HETEROSEXUAL MEN should step forward and offer
    VIRILE MAN READING HOUR to the library.
    How about that? Successful businessmen, attorneys, firemen, police, doctors, managers, cable and power line workers, etc?
    Suits and ties to coveralls.
    Show children what the world really is. That is infinitely more interesting and aspiring than a psychiatric illness display.

  18. lets be real- this has nothing to do with gay pride and everything to do with the NPR listening liberals in this county shoving gayness in our face to prove how much better they are than us. "Look at meeeeeee...I'm so enlightened!". Let's force those knuckledragger Christian republicans to see drag queens.... They hate us, they think they are better than us. That is the bottom line here.

  19. See what you clowns can do if you stand up and fight back???? Together????

    Amazing huh????

  20. Organize a straight of “ sexual normalcy “ parade in sby and sue if they don’t allow

  21. You know, I visited the Pittsville Library yesterday and asked about the event. They told me it wasn't happening at their location and referred me to Salisbury Library. I called and left a message for their PR person. Waiting for a call back. If adults with children wish to have anyone read to their kids, I have no problem. This issue is similar to the Religious displays on public property. People complain when something Christmas or a Menorah is displayed yet, using the public library for such an event seems fine. That, I think, is what Salisbury News is pointing out. Perhaps, the Mayor can host a party at his home or a private venue, invite Drag Queens or whoever over and have a reading event. The kids in general, have no idea who these folks are and are happy to be read to. It has more to do with using public funds and spaces for such a specialize event than it does with anti-gay or LGBTQ. Really, if you think about it, a parade is pushing it but, no one is forced to attend. Live and let live...it's all good but do it with private funds, not the public funds.

  22. Jake Day is leading the perversion into Salisbury... He sexually exploited and abused his wife now he’s doing it to the city

  23. Drag queen event coming to Millville and Clarksville soon.

  24. The Library Director in Salisbury is NASTY and RACIST!!

  25. Don't forget to mention that John Cannon is on the Library Board as well.

  26. Chris said...
    Awww now poor Ryan... I mean Ruth won't get to roll around in that new dress and wig. Sorry dude...

    February 18, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    Notice that Ryan hasn't been posting anything under "Ruth" lately since he has been called out.

  27. Tom Bell is the new self appointed Drag Queen police chief.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Tom Bell is the new self appointed Drag Queen police chief.

    February 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM

    Can you please elaborate?

  29. its kinda weird but but my wife and i read to our kids nightly. and this is even crazier, we are heterosexuals.

  30. Obviously mentally ill. What is next pedophiles reading a book on when they knew they view children as sex objects. WTF is wrong with society that anyone would think this is okay. Really who ever viewed this as a good idea needs help also. It has become so apparent that children are subject to so many perversions and the parents uphold it. It is a perverted practice being promoted by liberals. When little Tommy says I like to dress as a girl it is time to take a hard look as to why he is wanting to do this and not run out and buy him some pumps. Sorry this absurd world in which these people live is confusing and should have been dealt with BY the parents. It is absolutely no different then your child saying he wants to use oxy. Somewhere something went wrong and instead of being a good parent you just let it roll.


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