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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Roger Stone sentenced to 3 years for lying, witness tampering as case roils DOJ

GOP operative Roger Stone was sentenced to more than three years in prison on Thursday after days of drama ensnaring career prosecutors, the attorney general and the president over how severe Stone's punishment should be for making false statements to investigators during the Trump-Russia probe.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, while taking a firm stance toward Stone in the courtroom, also said the up to nine years originally sought by federal prosecutors was excessive. Her sentence of 40 months in prison was considerably less than that -- yet far more than the probation sought by his defense and certainly tough enough to keep speculation alive about a possible pardon from President Trump.

In court, Jackson repeatedly made clear she holds Stone responsible for his circumstances, as his lawyers sought leniency.



  1. Just when do the Democrats go to jail?

  2. The Democrats go to jail after a fair trial and sentencing . After all of this time there have been no charges form a Republican Senate, Republican House (until 2018) and Republican Administration . Maybe there is nothing to send them to jail for ?

    Shocker huh!!!!

  3. Stay tuned. Pardon to follow.

  4. 3 years and McCabe is covering the story laughing. Long list of false statements to congress including the people that impeached Trump. To many to name. Remember when Barr praised Rod After Russian hoax? I do. Vote trump it’s the only pay back we got.

  5. Put him in the same cell Epstein was in...oh, wait...never mind.

  6. It's okay for members of Congress to lie, and to obstruct the legitimate work of Congress, but it is a criminal offence to lie to Congress or mess with their partisan investigations. What a joke.
    Witness tampering is a serious offence, and justifies time in the clink.

  7. All these folks who were either tried fairly by a jury and convicted, or they admitted guilt. Yet you guys will cheer when the corrupt dictator in chief pardons them. Way to go! You are real americans. lol

  8. House Dems should get at least 6 yrs for their lieing Fiasco !!!!

    Coup attempt in America !!!!

    1. Life in federal prison would be more appropriate

  9. Hey guys: this Stone character is a real creepy dude. You might want to learn about his history before you simply worship his good buddy, Mr. Trump

  10. The guy is a rat just look at him. This may not be it but he's guilty of lots along the way to look like that.

  11. I agree this guy has been a criminal since high school
    He and Manafort were criminals together stealing money from the government years ago.
    Typical of Trump to have a friend like this
    He bankrupted 6 times!

    Ok Ok OK
    Mr Trump was definitely the lesser of 2 evils.

    There. I said it. Don't lynch me for saying something negative about your God

  12. Comey's hinchmen set him up !!!

  13. Sentenced for being Trump's friend , that's it !!!
    Go ahead, he is Smiling knowing Trump will Pardon him !!!


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