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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich Was Imprisoned by Mueller, Comey and Deep State Gang – President Trump’s Release of Blago Sends Deep State a Message

President Trump’s commutation of former Illinois Governor Blagojevich may have more to do with dirty cops Comey, Mueller and Fitzgerald than anything else.

As was reported yesterday, President Donald Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence after previously floating the idea. Trump claimed the charges against Blago were “unfair.” President Trump commuted the former Democrat governor’s sentence on Tuesday.

As we reported last night, in his first interview at the Denver Airport Blagojevich thanked President Trump and noted how Democrats “don’t treat him [President Trump] very good.”
Former Governor Rod Blagojevich: The appropriate thing to say is I speak for Patty, for my daughters Amy and Annie and me when I express our most profound and everlasting gratitude to President Trump for doing what he did. He didn’t have to do it. This is a Republican president. I was a Democratic governor. And my fellow Democrats don’t treat him very good. So all I can say is I think this is the ending of the first act of a two act play. And tomorrow begins the second act and I think there’s a lot that has to be done in the second act.


  1. Great job TRUMP !!! Show em who's BOSS !!!

    Their Democrats Always get off > so now You get to let some
    of Your friends off !!!! Pardens are his choice & authority
    Not the Democrat's !!!!

    They just get a taste of their Own medicine for a change !!!

    1. Uh, he is a Demoncrat, bro.

    2. hahahahaha it is too funny

  2. I think he's signaling there are hundreds if not thousands that were railroaded/framed by the corrupt doj. Maybe more important is he knows where the bodies are buried.....when does a canary sing?

  3. Loving it! Too.much.winning!

  4. You guys have got to be kidding me. You really think this dude was unfairly tried and convicted? Where is the appeal then? You clowns have truly flipped your gords and cannot be trusted at all.

  5. Blago is an idiot!
    You guys have got to read about people in Mr Trump’s circle of friends before you keep worshipping him. He is Chabad Lubavitcher

  6. Blago Wago !!! Democrat caught Time served !!

  7. Make Hillary finish his time !!!


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