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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Right or Wrong?


  1. Drive over the golf cart...

  2. What's the law in that state or county? That decides it.

  3. Punk kid should be in class! Mommy and Daddy gave him a pick-up to drive!!

  4. another bad example of a 'cop'

  5. 7:58
    It says he had an orthodontist appointment. The only reason he was at the school is because someone missed the bus and he was dropping them off on his way to the appointment. You have no way of knowing that his parents gave him that truck.

  6. If he had not be so arrogant & told them he had an appointment from the beginning, I doubt there would have been a problem.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It says he had an orthodontist appointment. The only reason he was at the school is because someone missed the bus and he was dropping them off on his way to the appointment. You have no way of knowing that his parents gave him that truck.

    February 11, 2020 at 8:05 PM

    A lot of commenters have no idea of 'knowing' what they are speaking. But does that stop any of them?

  8. The daycare prison kiddie camps called public school.

  9. 11:28 dead on
    The high school security officer seems to have allowed the plastic badge to go to his head.

  10. 8:05 you have no way of knowing he had an orthodontist appointment.....he’s a teenager, mouth open he’s lying!!

  11. 1:03
    Other than the fact the mother said he had an appointment. The teenager never said it. Reading is not your strong subject huh?

  12. Appointment or no appointment what difference why was that A-hole cop trying to prevent him from leaving.

  13. The cop should be arrested for terroristic threatening! Period. Who talks to school kids like this?? Run that MF down!! He threatened you with death for leaving a school campus!! POS

  14. Terroristic Threatening! The cop is committing criminal acts on school grounds!!
    Call them!
    727-774-7200 school
    Port Richie Florida

  15. This is terrorist threatening. Or quid pro quo with a gun!
    Pascal county Bd. Of Ed.
    Supervisor 813. 794.2651

  16. I would have pushed the golf cart out of the way with the truck

  17. But remember, COPS ARE HERO's right??? I can't wait for the civil war to start so people will start shooting these pieces of shit!!! Then they will wish they treated others better... They will get their just desserts when they go to hell after god judges them for their hatred toward humanity...

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The cop should be arrested for terroristic threatening! Period. Who talks to school kids like this?? Run that MF down!! He threatened you with death for leaving a school campus!! POS

    February 12, 2020 at 7:01 AM

    Actually, the 'cop' told the kid if he came another foot closer he would get shot.

    Run him down? Surely you jest. I know you didn't mean to encourage violence, and in this case, murder.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    But remember, COPS ARE HERO's right??? I can't wait for the civil war to start so people will start shooting these pieces of shit!!! Then they will wish they treated others better... They will get their just desserts when they go to hell after god judges them for their hatred toward humanity...

    February 12, 2020 at 8:54 AM

    You must be very young or very stupid to say you can't wait for a civil war to start. Do you know how many Americans died in our civil war? Or the brutal manner in which many of them died?

    I understand your outrage at this 'cop' but you need to exercise more control over your emotions.

    Tip: Don't advertise your intent, especially on the internet. Evidence trail don't ya know.

  20. You know the kid was lying cause he went ahead and parked!! It’s the problem with these kids today, no respect for authority then parents that lie to protect them!! Oh they are good kids just so misunderstood.....BS!!! Get in class and learn something other than waiting in line for a freebie!!

  21. Power trip. He threatened to shoot the student.

  22. Anonymous said...
    You know the kid was lying cause he went ahead and parked!! It’s the problem with these kids today, no respect for authority then parents that lie to protect them!! Oh they are good kids just so misunderstood.....BS!!! Get in class and learn something other than waiting in line for a freebie!!

    February 12, 2020 at 11:05 AM

    You don't know he parked. He backed up and went the other way maybe suggesting he parked, but we don't know if there was another exit where he went or not.

    Regardless, it doesn't mean he lied. Maybe he just got tired of the bs.

  23. I love Law Enforcement but i'm pretty sure he is not supposed to arrest the kid for leaving. That is a matter for administration to handle. He simply should report it to the school. If there was a threat or shooting, then yes he should take action.

    FYI - I had a relative get arrested because their kid skipped too much school. Once they make it a habit then law enforcement is called in and the parents are ultimately responsible.

    It could have been handled without all that drama, just saying

  24. The kid got expelled, and they with hold the sro's name. Shame on the SRO for acting like that. He threatened to shoot a kid, and the teacher is white, so not sure how the N word ever came into play. Pasco county, look it up. Happened in December.

  25. Guvmint schools! Don't go! Your'e better off not going to school at all. No schooling works fine if you want to learn. The controllers think they own you and your children. Too many parents just blindly accept public 'authority'. I'm still trying to figure out WTF is a School "Resource" Officer. Is that right out of an Orwell novel or what?


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