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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Public schools are teaching our children to hate America

“A government is like everything else: to preserve it, we must love it.”

When he was young, Thomas Jefferson carefully copied those words — a quote from the great political philosopher Montesquieu — into his “commonplace book,” the private journal he kept as a student for future inspiration.

“Everything, therefore, depends on establishing this love in a republic,” the passage continued. “And to inspire it ought to be the principal business of education.”

In other words, as Jefferson might put it today to our public schools: You had one job — and you failed.

“Today we talk as if it’s all about college and career readiness,” education scholar Michael J. Petrilli told The Post. “But going back to the 1780s, the argument in favor of having public education at all has been first and foremost to develop democratic citizens.”



  1. Its why we need school vouchers to eliminate the communist unions, bloated useless BOE, and luciferian socialist indoc centers..i.e public schools.

  2. Hate America?
    Hate US Government?

    There is a HUGE difference between the two!

    Next (more complex) question:
    What is America?

  3. Yet, we are forced to give more and more of our paychecks to those same school systems.

  4. 8:01 America is a country with the largest wealth and inequality in the world for starters. America allows open lobbying which somehow no one sees for what it truly is: buying politicians.

  5. And we continue to allow this to happen.

  6. I made a trip to Philadelphia a couple weeks ago and took my daughter and her friend. It became a great disappointment to me when we were standing across from Independence Hall and my daughter and her friend had no clue as to what it was or why it was apart of American history. As I was explaining the importance of the history here, she and her friend stated that they had not been taught this in school. I remember as a kid taking field trips to Independence hall in the 3rd grade. My daughter and her friend are in the 9th grade and have no idea of American history. I am truly disappointed in our schools these days. There are to many snowflakes out there crying they are offended by history.


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