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Thursday, February 27, 2020

FRC: 'Keep Your Kids Home on Transgender Propaganda Day,' Thursday, Feb. 27

(CNSNews.com) -- The conservative Family Research Council (FRC) is urging parents across the country to keep their kids home on Thursday, Feb. 27, a day that pro-LGBT activists and teachers will use to read pro-transgender books to children in some schools and libraries, a practice they want to establish as an annual event.

"Do you want your child to be psychologically manipulated at school on Thursday? Might be a good day for a Mommy Date at the museum!" said the FRC's Cathy Ruse in a post on the group's website.



  1. This luciferian non sense needs to be stopped

  2. I taught my kids not to judge other people, turns out being transgender or gay isn't contagious like a disease?! Who would have thought?!

    1. Then you shouldnt judge people just for disagreeing with drag queen story hour, chemical castration of children and wasting tax dollars on parades to celebrate who you chose to sleep with.

    2. 8:22 - teach your kids whatever you want, but don’t tell me or anyone else how to teach our kids

  3. Schools do not, in any way, have the right to subject students to LGBT lessons. Should this occur without parental consent, parents should immediately seek legal counsel.



  4. 8:22. You are teaching your kids that hyper sexual expression from adults to children is normal. Why don’t we let porn stars read to them next!? Teach your children to have standards. Stop your virtue signaling.

  5. 8:56 their standard is to not judge others. Identification as a different sex or gender doesn't need to be hypersexual and your statements illustrate your bias. You can dismiss it as virtue signaling if it makes you feel better about your bigotry.

  6. East salisbury and wicomico high school are not doing this just to let parents know called soon as i seen post

  7. 9:47 lol to the bigot remark. You have nothing to say but call people who challenge you a bigot. Story time is ALL about hypersexual adults pushing their agenda on children. Why do they have names like “Flowjob ” and many more like that? Why don’t you search Flowjob and see what sickness comes up? It’s is about sexualizing children and nothing to do with reading.

  8. No, Keep these sick people HOME & away from our Kids !!!!!

  9. Be whatever you want, 8:22. Be as strange or unusual as you need to be.

    Just DO NOT think you can teach my children that they must accept it, like it, or even respect it. Or, in any way normal.
    It ain't normal.

    It is MY RIGHT to NOT like them, and certainly my right to think they ARE strange, whack, and/or unusual.

    Quit trying to force people to believe that sh*t is normal.

    Way too much time and money is spent trying to convince 99% of people that 1% of them are just like you and me. They are not. Even THEY know it.

    So WHY are we so intent on shoving this sh*t in everyone's face at every opportunity, on TV, stage, theater, newspapers, and schools??

    Keep cheering.

  10. 8:22 How about we have paranoid schizophrenic story hour. They come in and tell the children what the voices in their head are telling them. After all they are people too and we should love, respect and embrace them.

  11. That's Jake Day with his WIG on

    ain't no wonder his ole lady needed to mess around

  12. @749 When our taxes pay for it you damn skippy we'll tell you what you will be teaching and what you will not. It will be mutually agreed upon or won't be taught.
    @822 Then you have done your kids a great disservice because judging people, judging everything, is a survival mechanism humans need.


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