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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Obama Called Trump "Fascist Who Can't Be Allowed Into White House"

Former President Barack Obama told Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) during the 2016 election that Donald Trump is a 'fascist' who must be kept out of the White House.

The statement, made while Obama's DOJ was using spies to surveil the Trump campaign in the Russiagate scandal, is claimed by Kaine in an upcoming documentary about Hillary Clinton, according to CBS News.

Kaine, Clinton's running mate on the Democratic ticket, recounts the call during an exchange with Clinton that was caught on camera in 2016. Kaine's wife, Anne Holton, was also present.

"President Obama called me last night and said: 'Tim, remember, this is no time to be a purist. You've got to keep a fascist out of the White House,'" Kaine says before adding with a laugh that Obama "knows me and he knows that I could tend to err."

Clinton replies, nodding, "I echo that sentiment."

She then puts her hands to her chest and says, "But that's really — the weight of our responsibility is so huge." -CBS News



  1. The pot calling the kettle...black!


  3. Wow talk about calling the kettle black..remember opposite effect..what dems say others do, they already have, will or are going to do

  4. Obama = America ENEMY # 1 Who cares what he says !!!!

  5. ALL should WATCH the SENATE (REAL COURT) today &

    tomorrow !!!! Now , the FACTS come out !!!! Not Bullshht

  6. The Muslim is the one that should have never been allowed to even step foot on white house grounds, let alone enter and live there for 8 years. What a shame on this country for allowing that.

    1. You hit the nail square on the head 5:33. One term was unbelievable, but two terms is down right outrageous. A muslim with no birth certificate and empeachment was never brought up.

  7. Obozo the clown. Only clowns listen to clowns...

  8. Obama should have been IMPEACHED !!!!
    ALL the Illegal stuff he did is unexcusable !!!!

    Plane-Load of cash & Billions to Iran , etc etc etc
    Quid-Pro-Quo to Russia etc etc etc
    Spying on Trump election time , same as Nixon did !!! etc etc

  9. Shame is on the Democrats !!!! Trying to Ruin this country !!!!

  10. Obama is Proof to Not vote by COLOR
    Hillary is Proof to Not vote by GENDER

  11. It is all true.

    The Democrats are COMMUNISTS

    The Republicans are FACISTS

    Those are the choices (no choice) we have in Amerika.
    Our once-great Nation is no more.
    No, Mr Trump (nor anybody else) will make it great again.
    To believe that is to literally drink the Kool Aid at this point.
    I mean, you are an adult - right?

    The US Government is an out-of-control criminal gang who preys upon its citizens and people around the world.

    1. You 8:25 need to view the political cartoons on jan 28th of this site, especially the one with the cockroaches

    2. 825
      You have it right

  12. This never happened it’s a Democrat word that polled well in trial. Tim is a nut and failure. Obama did his spying and dropped the mic to go make 10s of millions. He will be a billionaire in the next 12 years probably. He could careless who is in office...

  13. Well the funny thing is that Obammy wasn't allowed in the White House when Bush was President even as a US Senator. Guess what, he couldn't pass the security clearance and he wasn't allowed to go in the White House until you idiots voted him to occupy the White House.

    1. Wow, why wasn't that heavily advertised before the 2010 election? That information might have been enough to kept that muslin out of the white house for ever

  14. Once again, another classic Freudian slip from the Communist agitator.

  15. As BAD as Obama & Momma was , too many in America
    vote Just on RACE & they would have put OJ there too in
    the White house if they could !!
    Obama's could do NO WRONG & were allowed to get away
    with ANYTHING as they pleased !!!
    Trump would Never be allowed to do ANY of the screw-ups
    Obamma made !!! Not One

  16. Obama was a Racist along with his Wife , who should not have been allowed in the White House !!!
    They have cost America ALOT too for 8 years !!!!

    1. Gonna take a long time to reverse the damage done in 8 years. Good thing hillary didn't win or we would have been totally destroyed as a free country

  17. Out of the thousands that scream the "fascist" word I'd have to admit, albeit reluctantly, that Obonzo is probably able to spell it.

  18. To MAKE AMERICA GREAT,..we needed a fair trial, which needs documents and witnesses.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To MAKE AMERICA GREAT,..we needed a fair trial, which needs documents and witnesses.

    February 3, 2020 at 9:01 AM

    That was the House's job, and like their other jobs they haven't done for almost 4 years, they didn't do their job yet again. Demoncrats were in a hurry to get the impeachment done before Christmas in hopes it would hurt Trump in the upcoming election.

    And as usual, demoncrats were wrong and actually helped Trump. Fine with me. lol

  20. Obama > Muslim enemy to America , in the White House !!!!


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