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Sunday, February 16, 2020

JMB Rock and Roll Revival Controversy


  1. who cares what these maroons think. They will not intimidate me into submission regarding their diabolical life choices. God will judge them.

    1. I don't care about those morons either and I hope they all get marooned on a desert island.

  2. How do you know this is a comedic prop. Maybe it's just a part of the show. People always trying to stir the sh#*t pot. Guess they'll be sueing someone soon. Mind your own business and stop pushing your agenda.

  3. Such a Drag. Don't get your tucked bits in such a wad. Current trends have nothing to do with Gender dysphoria or otherwise. It all amounts to comedy and clowning and most live as their born gender and it's all a show. There is nothing sexual about it. LOL see what Milton Berle started.

  4. Dear Salisbury PFLAG,
    No One Cares

  5. This is so ABSURD! The "woke" are ruining everything with their warped view of what is "politically correct". We have to stop letting a vocal few control the silent majority!

  6. +I will not be there this year. Ruining a very good performance.

    1. You are correct you will not, the shows are sold out! Guess the community likes the kids more than your moronic accusations. Have a nice day

    2. Shows are sold out.. they won’t miss you one bit

  7. WTF is a PLFAG first of all? Secondly go piss up a rope already. Nobody wants to hear your whining about some weak ass boy wanting to be a girl or vice versa. If you really want to do something PLFAG why don't you set up some sort of suicide prevention for these poor lost souls. The suicide rate for the so called transgenders is astronomical once they realize this so called transformation doesn't make them happy either

  8. Nobody cares about the few social misfits that has become salisbury's liberal freak show. You can't change what God created NO MATTER how much alcohol and drug abuse you try to indulge in to partake in this ridiculous behavior

  9. @1:29 excellent point!! 50% of all the so called transgender community (lack of a better term) have attempted suicide. PFLAG you should seriously put more emphasis on the TRUE travesty here. If some of you boys that dress up like women here in Salisbury could see how stupid you look you'd reconsider. The one's that showed up painting salisbury's crosswalk looked like a bunch of circus clowns

  10. Do what we want or we will jump and down, throw a fit and sue. Will they be protesting Hairspray, Ms. Doubtfire and other such movies? Just a bunch of weirdos that think they deserve special privileges.

  11. I cant believe you are all justifying this action. I am not affiliated with either group, but I do know we simply do not teach our children it is ok to make fun of any group of people out there. What are you teaching your children? I thought all these cool woke stage moms would know this. I'm pretty sure I see these moms preaching kindness on fb daily.

    1. Because tolerance is a 2- way street. That fact seems to be lost on the “woke” crowd.

    2. There was no making fun of anyone other than an elderly over affectionate aunt.

  12. Hey PFLAG and LGBT freaks here in Salisbury please tell me why your community is twice as likely to experience drug and alcohol addictions??

  13. Men dressing as women for comedic prop has been going on for decades. In fact the gays support and participate in it, often, voluntarily. But now suddenly its a problem?

    So much whining.
    Gays whining
    Black whining
    Liberals whining.

    I am with the rest of the I don't care crowd. When I see something I don't like, I walk away, I don't buy a ticket, I don't participate.

  14. Negative experiences are intended to alter unacceptable/unpopular social behavior.
    What’s the problem?
    They are not popular for very obvious reasons but they want government to intercede and protect their public display of severe mental illness.
    Just say no!
    The show directors, Dory and Bob should know better than to bring cross dressing into the high school Rock and Roll environment.

  15. Why not let the performer use blackface?

    1. You can only do that in Virginia

  16. Would it have been appropriate if the dude dressed in drag was trans? Asking for a pfriend… As Sleepy Joe would say... Come on, man!

  17. Yeah, but the freaks ( dressed in drag) can read a book to kindergartners and thats just fine. This ain't America anymore Aunty Em.

  18. NO PFLAG, when will YOU stop shoving YOUR agenda down our throats, especially in schools! It's not that I have an issue with your alleged choices, it's that the BOE has no right pushing such an agenda without fair warning. There are many Catholic/Christians who strongly do not agree with your agenda and or lifestyle yet they pay the mass majority of their local taxes on the education system FOR LIFE! It doesn't end when their children graduate. We have rights too and you people need to quit your whining and complaining as if you are EQUAL. Now IF you marketed a drag queen LGBT gay show, well, my guess is that the one percent of locals would be the only ones showing up. So you treat us like suckers by throwing in your agenda little by little, complaining all the while until you get your way. Do you get my point now.

    1. Took the words out my my mouth and the thoughts out my brain. We really need to focus on supporting them w/ mental health to dissect their sense of thinking and the delusion that others should be in agreement w/ their destructive wants and senseless needs.

    2. Pflag held a cross dressing show at the warehouse in Salisbury Friday night. Bunch of hypocrites.
      Bob & Dory are awesome

    3. Joe they did Friday night at the warehouse in Salisbury. Ok for them but not for the straight crowd. Puzzling isn’t it? The kids in the show knew that scene was coming for over two weeks nobody had any issues or said a peep. somebody from pflag sees it and takes offense and believe the kids in the show should be offended? They have manufactured an issue in an attempt to further their agenda. It was simply a Mrs Doubtfire moment that was seen as good natured humor by all but 1 in attendance at Friday’s show. Keep rocking JMB. The Community is behind you!

  19. Why read into this and make it anymore than a show??? We need to stop reading into every single thing.

  20. Boy their really getting cocky now they the local tranny Jake Day in the mayor's office. Just because you have Day and the liberal BS that is SU today supporting you doesn't mean you can force this S*** on the rest of us. I'm sure with all the recently released upstanding citizens from ECI relocating to the progressive liberal cesspool that is Salisbury you "ladies" will have plenty of "DATES" available, LMFAO!! Old man told me once you can piss on me once and tell me it's raining but I'll be damned if you'll s*** on me and rub it in!! If you're offended WHO CARES

  21. They want special treatment and bully the majority of people that are normal. LBGQ doesn’t belong in our school system you think you can yell loud get ready for some push back enough is enough leave our children alone !!!

  22. Perfect example why public school needs to dissolved.
    Private school with vouchers. Gays can go to school with there own kind.

  23. LOL - Obama is not in the office the biggest supporter - so get over yourselves.

  24. Can’t wait to relocate with my kids , this county is full of misfits screwups and losers and a wife beating Mayor

  25. When William Shakespeare put on plays at the Globe Theatre in London all the female parts were portrayed by men in drag. You can look it up! If it was good enough for Shakespeare why is it not okay with JMB? Are they "special"?

  26. You misfits in society need to hunker back down in your weird little closets and STFU about "normal" people hurting your little fragile feelings. If you want to be gay, be gay, but do it out of our sight and quit thinking the world is going to work around your whinny asses. It ain't gonna happen!!!

  27. Went today didn’t see anything.


  28. Gimme a break! Males have played female roles for centuries in straight roles. And as homosexuals in drama and in campy roles.

    While looking earnestly for an issue to whine about, they claim to represent drag queens!

    We'll be enjoying the show again this year. Get a real problem!!

  29. All of you are jealous because JMB has the best talent.

  30. This is definitely one discipline in which modern psychiatric medicine and care has failed.

  31. If you think that they are poking fun of transgender then don't go. Don't try to push your agenda on my kids, you snowflakes. Go get a job and keep your self busy working instead of trying to worry about every way that you feel mistreated. Nature tells you it's not right for a person to be gay, bi, etc... with the way our bodies are made.

  32. Maybe they would lend one of their Drag Queen members to be Aunt Bertha.... just a thought

  33. so my question is why are they allowing jakey boy to dress up and be part of this show?

  34. Smh. Dont go watch it. Just go be weird somewhere else.

  35. Here go the alphabet people again. Why do you nuts think that because you are less than 1% of the population that you have some sort of purpose in life to make the other 99% confirm to your wishes? Go jump in a lake - it would do you more good

  36. You've filed it dow to a hair trigger. The problem with a hair trigger is that it can make your weapon discharge unexpectedly and in the wrong direction.

  37. 1:58 - excellent point
    2:06 You are boring. I suggest you watch some old episodes of Saturday Night Live.
    2:24 - Amen!
    3:05 - If the performer used blackface this would be a whole different thing. Poking fun at someone's skin color is not the same as poking fun at their style, outlandish ways.

    Most drag queens laugh at themselves. Pflag apparently has some new stuffed shirts. My nephew is a phenomenal drag queen, and he is a hoot! I don't have to agree or disagree with it, but when he imitates Julia Sugarbaker he is spot on, and so very much fun. He truly LOVES life,and knows how to have FUN! Life is too short to be a prude!

    Let this be the fun this was intended to be and lighten up.

    1. Enjoying his mental illness is great entertainment for you... He needs help and had bad parenting

  38. Why are so many so easily offended? Get over it, move on. BTW, this years Rock and Roll Revival was a great show again.

  39. Dear pflag members, for centuries men have been the main performers in cultural performances. In Japan for thousands of years up to present day men have dresses as women to perform ancient shows. In Hawaii it was men who originally danced different forms of Hawaiian Cultural dances. In Scotland men perform in traditional Kilts, not skirts. Your pride group is sadly lacking in any intellectual background.

  40. Word on the street is the person who made the complaint was fired from the show previously- retaliation

  41. We're better than this. No need to go to the show this year. There's a Trump Rally to watch!

  42. I remember when a pervert was just a pervert.

  43. PFLAG is run by Mark DeLancey. Hes a pathetic washed up old gay man who literally has no other purpose in life than to "be gay". Hes a bully who acts like a child when he doesn't get his way. This all stems from him being the stage manager for the 2019 RRR production where he was inappropriate towards the children many times and therefore not asked back. This is just a way to be vindictive. He's mean, disgusting, and chastising a bunch of innocent high school kids is all he has in his pathetic life to make him happy.


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