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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Drag Queen Reading Coming Soon To Pittsville Library

We're told this is tied to Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day's LGBT Parade and parents are ticked off. 

Do you support and or not support this upcoming event and please explain why either way. Keep it clean people or your comments will be rejected. 


  1. People are free to do what they want but stop trying to force your opinion on others. Go, enjoy your life and be gay, lesbians or transgender but that doesn't mean it's acceptable to me and not what I'm going to teach my children. If religion isn't allowed in schools then neither is this.

    1. This is wrong on so many levels. 1st just like religion these things should be taught at home period. People are free to be who and what they are but to push acceptance of this type of lifestyle is not the right of anyone else but the parents. I am so sick of adults using their own personal agenda to make a point through kids.

    2. Why do these "readers" feel it necessary to dress like gay clowns when reading to young impressionable children? If it is "really about reading" then go read to the children till your heart is content, but just wear proper clothing

    3. Wow, look at the little girl in the background putting her hand over her mouth. That says it all right there

    4. This is not appropriate. Please stop trying to force your lifestyle on others.

  2. Kids are being read to who cares? If you complain you should go read to them

    1. It is who and what they are reading we have issue with. Not being read to. Is this in addition to a story hour or is this part of an agenda they are trying to force on people?

    2. 4:13 You and I both know it’s about more than “reading to the kids”🙄

  3. There is no need for this....children should not be exposed to this at such a young age

  4. I would prefer mentally ill not be around kids.

    1. With this thinking it sounds like you’re the mentally ill one

    2. 4:23 I agree 100%

    3. A lot of people believe that people like this are mentally ill. I personally don't care, do you. But stop pushing it on people. If people just do them and go about their lives, the discord will fade away. There is always going to be dislike and hatred to those who are different but theirs also indifference and acceptance from more.

    4. A man pretending to be a woman is normal in your world ? Get help


  5. Strongly oppose providing a captive audience of young, impressionable minds for these unbalanced freaks to cultivate.

    When any Board of Education permits entry into the schools by any group it is a de facto stamp of approval. The kids cannot read or comprehend any of the disavowals WCBOE is likely to proffer.

    Don't let it start!

    1. At the Pittsville Library...not the school.

    2. Nope...not there either. Check your sources...they are wrong.

    3. It WAS was going to be at the Pittsville library. You check YOUR sources. The Town Manager spoke to an employee there. Yes it’s true but now the librarian is backpedaling. Maybe because the librarian over stepped her boundaries. Maybe the heat from parents was so hot that the funding for the library was called into question.

  6. By the look on their faces even 3 year olds realize something ain’t right with them.

  7. While pflag is busy whining their members are dressing up as clowns and reading to kids.

    A clown show is ok but comedy is not? Or is this their idea of comedy.

    I will keep my kid at home, thank you

    1. Actually, clowns are no longer permissable due to the fact that they frighten children. Do you think this (whatever it is) is going to put them in therapy?

  8. 4:13 you are a special kind of stupid aren't you????

  9. If you don't want your kids subject to this,don't send them to school that day

    1. Kids shouldn't have to miss a day of school for something as inappropriate like this. Jehovah's Witnesses stop children from enjoying holidays. Now kids need to be removed for a day so a drag queen can read to them? Nope...if the parents don't want their children exposed, it shouldn't happen. They can go to the public library and read to children there.

  10. Time to come together people and protest this event!! Let's form a planned rally outside the library people

    1. When exactly will you protest? You are all very missinformed. Someone has seriously mislead all of you.

  11. Omg, People blow stuff out of control. There is nothing wrong with this. People they reading to children and being who they want to be. Weather you are dressed up in a costume or anything other. It's no big deal. Being open to your children is important, Now of days if your not opening then kids grow up not know anything. I have always been very open to my kids and they grew up to be amazing people. They also have the up most respect for everyone no matter who they are or what they do.

    1. 4:43 Re-read your comment and you might realize you are part of the problem

  12. So what? It’s not hurting anyone, they’re reading to them, not showing them how to put on make up. Grow up. It’s not going to run off on your children. If you have such a big problem with it, then volunteer your previous time and go read to them. Teach your children acceptance & tolerance. Not ignorance.

    1. It’s perverse and sick

    2. No, it’s not, in anyway shape or form. YOU have an issue with it and you’re probably teaching your children to be ignorant and not accept people for who and what they are unless they comply with YOUR standards. Get over yourself.

    3. 4:44 No sorry I won’t teach my kids about perversion. It’s sick and immoral. Do it in your own home. Stop trying to make everyone accept it cause it’s never going to happen🤷‍♀️ Grow up and deal with it.

    4. Acceptance and tolerance, nope. No ones child should be exposed to something like this if they don't want it. Religion is forbidden, where's the acceptance and tolerance for that?

  13. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕Jake gay.

  14. Why is Bob Culver allowing Jake Day to have this type of involvement in wicomico county schools, especially within pittsville?? I will be there with bells on and be led away in handcuffs if this transpires

    1. I bet Bob does not know. Call his office. If this is led my Jake or PFLAG why Pittsville? I bet Jake does want to annex them. Better yet call the library the main branch and the mayor.

    2. Bob Culver isn’t allowing it. He’s limited as to what he can do. He does have some say about the money designated for the library. Let’s see how this goes.

  15. I am 100% totally against this. This isn’t being done so the children are read, this is being done to push the Alphabet people’s agenda. This is outrageous that this would even be considered. Sorry but little Sally and Timmy doesn’t need to be read to by a man dressed as a woman. Something that is not ‘normal’ should not be normalized and especially at this young age. All you ‘woke’ people know that’s true.

  16. This is wrong on so many levels. All these people do is promote their deviant lifestyle to children way to young to understand and confuse them. There are TWO genders: male and female. Period! (Don’t get mad at me, take it up with God!) Just because these people are confused does not give them license to indoctrinate and flaunt their wares and Mayor Jake Day needs to climb right back off this high horse he is on and get real! He has no right to dictate what goes on in the Pittsville schools and the WCBOE needs to shut this thing down immediately! Of course his wife buys drugs from kids so he wouldn’t see anything wrong with this. What a disgrace!

  17. 4:43 and 4:44, if you are not one in the same ( more than likely) it is not so much who but the content of the stories they chose to read. They have a hidden agenda in them!! Period!!!!

  18. If you don’t want kids to attend, then do not bring them. It’s as simple as that. This is not being forced upon anyone

    1. I will be taking pics of the scumbag parents who go.

    2. 5:37 Not being forced on anyone but you are trying to normalize it. And that ain’t normal 😂

    3. No that’s not good enough... they are trying to lure children

    4. Hey why all the crying on here 😂 Laws have changed now kids are allowed to say if they wanna be a boy or a girl and change there names. So because no one has went against It soon they will be teaching boys and girls about homosexuality👌 there just starting with the gay drag clowns. First they removed religion out of schools but then they allow this smh. At one point I actually respected Mayor Jake Day but the more I read up on all his hands are In the more I say he needs to go.

  19. But it's up to the parents how and when they explain to their children about trans, gay, etc. Its not up to the school or public tax funded library to decide it's time to expose small children to something out of their norm. There are also families whose religious beliefs are against such. As long as parents are aware ahead of it and have the choice of allowing their kids to attend or not, no problem

  20. The content of their readings ARE very harmful and aren't something these young children need to have instilled in their inquisitive minds. I won't sit back and watch this happen

    1. Content of the readings, nobody said they were reading about their own personal choices. Have you volunteered to read???

    2. The only thing that stands out here is how simple people in this area are. Making up issues about the book or story being read to the kids. Making up the fact that there is a hidden agenda, how about looking at simple facts. It seems that simple facts are simply to hard to comprehend for most on this thread. This is a character no different then chunky cheese or Franklin the turtle to these kids. They will laugh and think it’s funny to see an adult dressed up out of the ordinary. This does not mean that child is going to leave and be re wired to act like a loved paw patrol character because of the costumed character that read them a story. Also who says the Mayer has anything to do with this other than so clearly uneducated individuals who have no concept of how county’s work, funding or even event planning. Lastly there is a reason why it’s called slower lower and this is a prime example of this.

  21. Who cares. If you have a problem don't go. Let people do what they want to do.
    Also, it isn't a school. It is the library. HUGE difference.

  22. Says Pittsville library which has a branch. NOT the school.

  23. Recent history shows that it doesn't end there. No child should have to endure the obvious confusion these people are "living" with. I don't want to know about ANYBODIES' sexual preferences. Keep it to yourself. Acceptance is tantamount to endorsement. Please leave the children alone!

  24. You really should adjust your headline. Once you read the article it is at the Pittsville Library not the school

    1. Joe stated the library ?

    2. The "parents" that go see this needs a CPS VISIT.

    3. It shouldn’t be brought into school at all!

  25. Eastern Shore Regional Library sources these performers and pays the fee for them to be here. Sometimes including hotel accommodations and meals. .
    John Venditta is the supervisor (chief pervert) in charge of the perverts that are endangering and luring children to a dismal life of mental strife and suicide.
    Call them and let them know what you think of their perversion. 410-742-1537
    Let them know they should spend tax payers money for normal activities not this mental illness on display.
    Call your representative to let them know the state is sponsoring child abuse via John Venditta’s child endangerment.
    This man should be fired from his position for such sick perverse conduct involving children. Mental Molester!!

  26. Only low IQ people would attend this. Trying to be woke.

  27. This is wrong! Parents need to stand up and express their opinions against this to the school and the board! Children do not need to be subjected to this lifestyle at such a young and impressionable age! And I shouldn’t have to keep my child home from school. If you want this person to come read do it at your own home and invite whom you like.

  28. Yes > Promoting kids to be GAY !! Some example !!

    1. Oh you think gay people recruit, that is hilarious. How sheltered you are. No one wants to be gay. Gay people can’t convince someone to be gay. Could you be convinced to be gay? Gay people want to know they are not alone and that are people they can relate to. They want to know there are others that know what it’s like to be different. From all this hate it seems like this area really need some education. A drag queen is just an entertainer, they dress up to entertain and make people smile. Go to a drag show one day, you will love it once you pull the stick out of your....you know what.

  29. Jared Shablein I bet this was your idea.

  30. I believe you are all missinformed. The Pittsville Library is not doing this.

  31. No if they cannot have prayer in school LGBT should not be shoved down our children's throats. This does not agree with our values and beliefs!

  32. Right, I can see how harmful reading 101 Dalmations could be for young, inquiring minds. These are simple people in sparkly costumes, reading children's books to children. If it does not appeal to you, don't come or bring your kids. There are certainly people who are interested. Live and let live.

    1. There is no sparky costume in the picture I saw.

  33. This is not about reading, it is about pushing the gay rights agenda. It's definitely abnormal. If we cannot speak of religion in schools than this is totally unacceptable . If this happens maybe we should consider new management at the school board. Finally why do you think that the private schools are doing so well?? I believe people are sick of the agendas and lack of respect as well as the violence in schools.My kids would not attend this garbage! The tax payers deserve better!!

  34. Wow..........ESRL and Jake Day, this is wrong! You are once again endorsing a liberal agenda! Stop encouraging the pollution of our childrens' minds. The far-left has an AGENDA and this is a direct assault on our little ones and the traditional values that many parents strive to teach their children. Make no mistake, this is not some innocent "story-time" hour. There is an underlying purpose!

  35. Wondering why one of the teachers in the school, is not reading to the children. Why bring in someone else? Such as a parent, a teachers aid or a member of the schools administration.

  36. Why??? Why do kids have to be exposed to this. Go be free and do what you want but don’t bring it in front of my daughter. It is hard enough to get through school these days .... now this?!? I just don’t understand!

  37. Hetro male here. I will be taking my 5 year old daughter..Why? Cause someone is reading books to her besides me...She doesn't care who it is lol. She just like books. Who cares who reads it...Why is it an issue? Makes me sad to call this home

    1. Must be Jake Day's idiot butt buddy Dan O'Hare

    2. Not too sharp are you 7:42

  38. WBOE is the blame for allowing this disrespect of the family. Anyone who wants to read to children should be respectful and not be allowed to dress up like clowns. The children should be kept home from this.

  39. Satan is alive and well in Wicomico county

  40. ANYTHING GOES > Nowadays ! America in Trouble !!!

  41. With all the problems that are happening in our schools, failing test scores and more than anything the high incidence of crime. Crime has never been this high in the Wicomico County School System until Donna Hanlin was hired as the Superintendent. Now we have an elected school board and the 7 elected miscreant voted unanimously to reappoint her as the Wicomico County BOE Superintendent. Donna Hanlin is the weakest and the worst Superintendent in the history of the Wicomico County Board of Education. The seven BOE members were too lazy and too weak to do a search for a new Superintendent.

    The seven members of Wicomico County’s Board of Education unanimously reappointed Dr. Donna Hanlin today. She will serve another 4-year term as Superintendent.

    In 2022 we have the choice to vote these clowns out of office. These so-called Republicans are a major disappointment to the Party. John Palmer, Ann Suthowski, Gene Malone and Tanya Laird Lewis. Tonya Laird Lewis has to get through the upcoming 2020 race to get re-elected and then run again for re-election in 2022. We are going to work overtime to make sure she doesn't get through the November election. BUH BYE Tonya!!

    1. Tonya Lewis is a part of our community. She is active in the day to day lives of her children and other children in our community. She does an great job representing us on the BOE and is active in other areas of community. What do YOU contribute? Go Tonya!

  42. Let's see if our big-time County Executive, Bob Culver has the Balls to put a stop to this! He can cut their budget and he can put a stop to giving them a new and larger library, which they don't need.

  43. Yep, Jake Day and Donna Hanlin have their finger prints all over this.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Kids are being read to who cares? If you complain you should go read to them

    February 11, 2020 at 4:13 PM

    You are a sick MF'er if you think this is normal and Ok for this freak show/mental illness to be reading to our children.

  45. Anonymous said...
    If you don't want your kids subject to this,don't send them to school that day

    February 11, 2020 at 4:37 PM

    You sound like you are Ok with this freak show? You freaking Coward!

  46. Anonymous said...
    So what? It’s not hurting anyone, they’re reading to them, not showing them how to put on make up. Grow up. It’s not going to run off on your children. If you have such a big problem with it, then volunteer your previous time and go read to them. Teach your children acceptance & tolerance. Not ignorance.

    February 11, 2020 at 4:44 PM

    So what?? You must be another Liberal Fruitcake. You are the reason that liberals have ruined this country. Why didn't you go to Canada?

  47. Anonymous said...
    This is wrong on so many levels. All these people do is promote their deviant lifestyle to children way to young to understand and confuse them. There are TWO genders: male and female. Period! (Don’t get mad at me, take it up with God!) Just because these people are confused does not give them license to indoctrinate and flaunt their wares and Mayor Jake Day needs to climb right back off this high horse he is on and get real! He has no right to dictate what goes on in the Pittsville schools and the WCBOE needs to shut this thing down immediately! Of course his wife buys drugs from kids so he wouldn’t see anything wrong with this. What a disgrace!

    February 11, 2020 at 5:33 PM

    No, his wife, Liz, has sex with kids for drugs.

  48. I’m not sure why the guy has to be in a dress to read to a kid. I don’t get it? And who was the first guy that thought gee I really want to read a book to a little kid while I’m dressed as a woman... It’s Sketchy at best.

  49. The people are reading to them in a LIBRARY! If you can’t read the headline correctly maybe you should practice your reading by volunteering your time to read to the children! The good thing about our country is CHOICE. We have a choice to stick around for drag queen story telling or leave if you don’t want your kid to see it or simply go to another part of the library and read with your kid. Eventually, your kids are going fb to find out what a trans person or drag queen is. If I were in the kids’ shoes I would want to be informed so I don’t make ignorant comments and get my ass beat for said comments. Libraries are taxpayer funded but so are many other programs you disagree with. We live in times where we have to teach our children inclusion and acceptance because their future is changing. When your kid gets a job, Human Resources will not tolerate ignorance or discrimination based on sexual orientation. Your kids need to be taught emotional intelligence and learning to be accepting of a PERSON not of their sexual orientation is okay. You can like them but not how they CHOOSE to live their lives!

  50. Anyone that voluntarily subjects their kids to this should be investigated by social services.

  51. If you don’t like it, don’t go or take your children. It’s that simple. Just like scrolling past something you read in your news feed. The world doesn’t revolve around your preferences.

  52. February 11, 2020 at 10:42 PM

    Not your place to tell me how to bring up my kids, or when they should be subjected to mentally ill clowns.

    My children.
    Not yours, not the guberments
    They are 5, they have plenty of time to learn about HR, so now is not the time to force some sick perverted clown on them.

    Thats not "inclusion" that's child abuse.

  53. Neither Jake Day, nor Bob Culver determine Library programming. Suggesting such a thing demonstrates your immense ignorance. If you want to know how libraries choose programming, check out their website. Typically libraries are run by an Executive Director under the supervision of a Board of Directors. Please educate yourselves before you spread ignorance.

  54. You know I know most of you would call me a libtard, but I gotta say I don't support this either. It steps on parents rights. Plus I don't see the point of having a man in drag reading to these children, most of them elementary school age or younger. We can teach our own children about LGBTQ without this kind of outside interference. I'm against it. Just because I'm a democrat doesn't make me stupid about everything. It doesn't mean I unconditionally support everything the party does.

    1. 6:49 Seems like you are one of the few democrats with a brain and knows how to use it. Thank you for your comment.

    2. Thank you. I am also a democrat who didn't vote for Jake Day for mayor. I voted for Wayne King. I had high hopes for him.

  55. i long for the days when these mentally disturbed individuals hid at home, cause they knew they'd get their asses kicked the moment they approached a kid!

  56. 4:13. I hope you don't have any children.

  57. So let me ask this question...what would you do if a child decided to dress up as opposite sex because that’s how they feel about themselves?? Are you going to go protest the school and the child?? Are you going to blame the parent for “allowing” it? Are you going to bash this child to your child instead of having constructive conversation about people being different??

  58. Who is allowing this in our public school.Time to call the BOE and let them know how you feel.This is rediculous, no one should have this kind of power over your child. Why should a child have to be absent from school? Education programs should be offered for parents that are willing to indoctrinate their child.

  59. Hasnt the Mayor's family done enough harm in this ditrict already?

  60. Even the drag queens have said this is a bad idea, so why do they continue to do it? Money?

  61. As long as I am present during anytime another adult is reading to my child in a public place, I am fine with it. Yes, it looks weird to most of us. No doubt! It triggers feelings of fear and worries of perversion. But if I am present, with my child, I will be able to discern the person's character, and discuss anything I need to with my son. One side is going to say, "they are trying to normalize this into our society" and the other side is saying, "they just want to BE part of our normal society, instead of outcast." Be present with your children, have open communication with them, and stop being so damn fearful of the wrong people!!!! Xoxo

  62. I feel like it's a distraction, not really because it's a "drag queen" because little kids probably don't know what that even is, but if anyone at all(man,woman, non identifying subject) showed up to read looking like the person in the picture , I would think the kids would be more focused on the person than the story. I guess if the agenda is to open a dialog to talk about why the person has so much make up on and such sparkly, attention grabbing attire, then mission accomplished. But if the agenda is to have the kids pay attention to the story that is being read and become interested in reading, then idk if that will happen.

    1. 100% on point. And the kids will ask why he is dressed like that and he will tell them he wants to be a girl so he tries to be one . And they will be like whaaaat and think it's cool to do it.


  64. How about a list of other people who are allowed to read to our children? Really, the whole purpose is to let a young child think men in women's cloths is ok. What else could it possibly be? It would be like sending a farmer to read to children in the gay community. BOE stop the indoctrination of our children.

  65. They just want to indoctrinate our children. I have never heard of them dressing up and reading to our seniors in nursing homes. Get ready everyone it will be in the school curriculum next.

  66. This is sick and should never take place the parents should block this and the school board, and Jake should have no say in it he can't control himself or the wife and should loose any custody of his own children.

  67. Parents of Pittsville school students and parents from the surrounding area should go there and block that ... person... from entering the school. Plus protest at the school and ask why the idiots that allowed this, think it's ok.The students are YOUR children and you have every right to stop this sick program. Let's see just how many of you love your children enough to show up and demand this be stopped.

  68. @ February 12, 2020 at 11:31 AM. Then show up at the school and demand it be stopped. That is if you actually care what happens to your children. WE the people can stop this.

  69. The staff at that school are some sick individuals.

  70. @February 11, 2020 at 4:37 PM. Are you saying that you condone this sick crap? That makes you as sick as they are.

  71. The feminization of the American male in action. If you watch TV it would appear the gays are about 75% of the population rather that the 2-3%. Just more indoctrination.

  72. No, no and no. People are free to do as they please but this should never be forced on children.

  73. Looks like they have canceled it now. Even certain people are saying it was on the schedule but is not now. Sorry Jared you will have to find another place to have your fun.

  74. Looks like most of you are ignorant about how library programming works. Have you ever been to a library before? Children aren't FORCED to attend programs. Parents - as always - are responsible to decide which programs their children can or cannot attend. That is a parents' responsibility. Go or don't go - it's called a choice. Stop trying to make everyone else believe as you do. In fact, parents must be present with children at every drag story time I've ever been to. Educate yourselves so you don't sound so stupid.

  75. I can tell you with absolute certainty that this was NEVER on the Pittsville libraries schedule. Who are these "certain people" you speak of? Not anyone who knows the truth obviously. The Pittsville library is being attacked over false information. This is unfair and harmful to a group of people who work hard to provide services to the community out there. Know the truth before you speak.

  76. Anonymous said...
    Little kids have no clue about the sexual orientation of these people. They just think they are funny looking characters who are reading and entertaining them. No harm done.

    February 11, 2020 at 5:39 PM

    You can't be serious? You are definitely an idiot!

  77. Anonymous said...
    This is wrong on so many levels. All these people do is promote their deviant lifestyle to children way to young to understand and confuse them. There are TWO genders: male and female. Period! (Don’t get mad at me, take it up with God!) Just because these people are confused does not give them license to indoctrinate and flaunt their wares and Mayor Jake Day needs to climb right back off this high horse he is on and get real! He has no right to dictate what goes on in the Pittsville schools and the WCBOE needs to shut this thing down immediately! Of course his wife buys drugs from kids so he wouldn’t see anything wrong with this. What a disgrace!

    February 11, 2020 at 5:33 PM

    Why do you clowns keep calling him "Mayor" Jake Day?? Jake Day wouldn't make a pimple on a real mayor's ass!

  78. Call me childish,old timer or racist...whatever!! You like this? Invite Mary Poppins With her hairy legs and Adam's apple. To your Sunday afternoon dinner and then story time at your house. This is just nuts. I am so thankful. That This kind of stuff. Didn't go on when my child was growing up. I truly don't know if I could contain myself. Start messing with the kids And a whole bunch of problems going to happen.

  79. Anonymous said...
    I bet Bob does not know. Call his office. If this is led my Jake or PFLAG why Pittsville? I bet Jake does want to annex them. Better yet call the library the main branch and the mayor.

    February 11, 2020 at 10:09 PM

    He does want to annex Pittsville. He wants to annex Parsonsburg up to Willards and take over their water and sewer. Jake wants to take over Wicomico County.

  80. LaSkit said...
    As long as I am present during anytime another adult is reading to my child in a public place, I am fine with it. Yes, it looks weird to most of us. No doubt! It triggers feelings of fear and worries of perversion. But if I am present, with my child, I will be able to discern the person's character, and discuss anything I need to with my son. One side is going to say, "they are trying to normalize this into our society" and the other side is saying, "they just want to BE part of our normal society, instead of outcast." Be present with your children, have open communication with them, and stop being so damn fearful of the wrong people!!!! Xoxo

    February 12, 2020 at 10:55 AM

    Awww... I bet your favorite show is "I am Jazz."

  81. anonymous said...
    Who is allowing this in our public school.Time to call the BOE and let them know how you feel.This is rediculous, no one should have this kind of power over your child. Why should a child have to be absent from school? Education programs should be offered for parents that are willing to indoctrinate their child.

    February 12, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    The BOE just voted Unanimously to reappoint that moron, Donna Hanlin, for another 4 years as the Superintendent of Schools. She is the POS that allows that Miscreant Jake Day into our own public schools. I would suggest calling the County Executive and the County Council.

  82. Anonymous said...
    You know I know most of you would call me a libtard, but I gotta say I don't support this either. It steps on parents rights. Plus I don't see the point of having a man in drag reading to these children, most of them elementary school age or younger. We can teach our own children about LGBTQ without this kind of outside interference. I'm against it. Just because I'm a democrat doesn't make me stupid about everything. It doesn't mean I unconditionally support everything the party does.

    February 12, 2020 at 6:49 AM

    I would suggest that it might be time for you to leave that broken down Democrat Party. I hope you will agree with me.

  83. Anonymous said...
    The feminization of the American male in action. If you watch TV it would appear the gays are about 75% of the population rather that the 2-3%. Just more indoctrination.

    February 12, 2020 at 1:55 PM

    It's already happening. Look at all the girly dudes on TV. They are the heroes of today's youth. There are no longer the macho John Wayne types on TV or the movies.

    Look around on FB at all the pretty girls and their boyfriends or husbands. They are the feminine type with facial hair. Very sick.

  84. Anonymous said...
    It WAS was going to be at the Pittsville library. You check YOUR sources. The Town Manager spoke to an employee there. Yes it’s true but now the librarian is backpedaling. Maybe because the librarian over stepped her boundaries. Maybe the heat from parents was so hot that the funding for the library was called into question.

    February 13, 2020 at 9:22 PM

    Are you sure Kerry O'Donnell is a "her?" The picture on it's FB page looks like it is a dude that dresses as a Transvestite.

  85. Uhh yeah, heres the problem with this. It's Fing gross. I don't want to see a large male, in a dress, wearing make up, talking to my kids. I don't care how close-minded you think I am or how homophobic you think I am. If a guy wants to be gay with another guy in private, fine. I don't want to see straight couples making out either. But, it's entirely ridiculous and completely gross to have a grown man, in a dress, with crazy makeup caked on his face, talking to children. When you wonder, down the line, why your kids got molested by uncle fester, look no farther than your liberal ideals. Men wearing dresses and makeup should not be around children.

    1. Actually it was John Wayne Gacey and ha was a CLOWN. I take it you absolutely DESPISE Tom Hanks?-Ruth

  86. I will tell my child after the reading that this is not normal. It is unnatural; meaning it is against nature and a defect in nature. Even mother nature makes mistakes. Mother nature expects us to procreate, that is the way all animals survive and we are just a high form of animal. On another note, schools are disallowing children from wearing holiday shirts, sweaters etc... because they say the child could offend some of the other kids. So, a picture of Santa saying Merry Christmas on a sweater is banned, and they bring this crap in front of our children? The BOE is ran by a bunch of progressives and liberals that are pushing a narrative on our children. Also, why are these people being chosen to read to our kids? Are they all PHDs or specially educated to teach our kids? They pay for these people to come here? The real question is WHY? Why don't we bring Eskimos, the Amish or American Indians in and pay for them to read? The question is, why are these people being chosen? For what purpose? They are not NORMAL!

    1. Can you read? It’s at the Pittsville Library, not the school!!!

  87. What I don’t understand is how this many people don’t know how to read? It clearly says the Pittsville Library, NOT the school!!!! I’m definitely against it but really? Read it before you comment!!!!

  88. The drag queens are sick. LGBTQXYZZ are sick. Library Managers are sick. Parents who bring their kids there are sick. People who think its okay are sick. Society is sick. Lib Democraps are sick. All of you can go $hit and bark at the moon.

  89. Show up and run it out of town

  90. Then, the library should be shut down for allowing such indecent events as this going on. Doesn't matter where it is being done, it is WRONG!

  91. latest rumor is jake day is going to be mayor of san francisco and his wife is going to be head of the DEA

  92. My name is Ruth and I don't have a google account so I'm going to appear as Anonymous simply because I don't feel like making one. You do all realize the reading is for entertainment. Some of the vitriol appears to come from thinking this has some kind of "turn my kid gay" quality. If you have watched ANY of these men and enjoyed their movies or shows ARE YOU NOW GAY? Milton Berle, Jack Lemon, Tony Curtis, Patrick Swazey, John Leguizamo, Wesly Snipes, Tyler Perry, Marlon Waynes, Tom Hanks, Matt LaBlank, Tim Curry, Nathan Lane,Kurt Russell, Jude Law,Dustan Hoffman, Jonny Depp, John
    Travolta,Jamie Farr, Adam Sandler, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Murphy there are many many more. I'm also sure you wouldn't mind a selfie with some of them (Tom Hanks if you're listening). To those who think it would SCARE their kids don't take them I hated clowns. But remember not to let them watch Tom Hanks in Toy Story. He wore a (gasp) DRESS in Bosom Buddies. Oh, and stop hiding behind all these ANONYMOUS posts. Your a hypocrite and threatening harm to others like CPS. BTW CPS would brush that off as junk. I know as a former EMT and reporter for them. BUT posting names and pictures of participants against their will in hopes someone will "take care of them" is against the law and a threat. Also BTW if you enhance the picture the little girl in the back is picking her nose.

  93. This entire event was dreamed up by one of the rainbow coalition groups who have attached themselves to the Salisbury Mayor. The woman in the Pittsville Library failed to get permission from anyone in charge to try and hold this event. She works for the County Library and Bob Culver should really dismiss her from her position. If the person in charge of the Library refuses to do this then she needs to be discharged also. This is all connected to that silly pride flag they try to hang everywhere to try and make it a part of society. By the way, does the Pittsville Library sit on school property or is that small section county property? Does anyone know?

    1. Where do you get your information 11:34am? I ask because you just gave me the biggest laugh I have had all morning. I would like to seriously thank your informer who obviously pranked your a$$. Do you seriously think that's how library programming works? Rogue Librarians planning programs without permission of the hierarchy? You are clueless dude, absolutely clueless. Stay in your lane buddy. Nice storyline though, would make a good book. Maybe you should write it.

  94. Can they get married too !! LOL LOL

  95. As of now it sits on school property but expansion is supposed to be in the near future.

  96. I can’t believe how many think this is ok, it is pedophilia at it’s best trying to get to your kids and you would allow it!

  97. Hey Person posting at 11:34 as anonymous, You do realize I posted the names of actors you have to now boycott? Nope guess not. This is and has always been part of society. Heck even J Edgar Hoover was gay. There have been others and the funniest joke was when someone wanted to move to Australia they had no idea it was run by a married Gay woman. I always ask this question of everyone. What EXACTLY are these people doing to turn your kids gay? Do they get nekkid and prance about? Do they hand out cards advertising a Gay conversion group? I could go on but talking to walls here. You don't like it don't go. But what will you tell your kids when they go to movies and see Madea? -Ruth

  98. The Pittsville town councilmember who recently got re-elected to her council position posted this on her FB page for the world to see. If I knew this is how the Bimbo felt about Queer Tranny's reading to my children at the Pittsville Library I wouldn't have voted for her. Apparently, she and Jared Schablein and the SJW's at the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus are on the same page. Yes, this was in reference to the Tranny reading at the Library post, I already spoke to her about her post.

    From FB

    Bethany Miller is feeling hopeful.
    February 11 at 5:19 PM ·
    Dreaming of the day that the world is full of empathy and inclusivity...

  99. OMG Do not let your kids watch Mulan that has detailed descriptions of how to dress and act as a man and men dressing as WOMEN OMG the horror!!!!

  100. Anonymous said...
    My name is Ruth and I don't have a google account so I'm going to appear as Anonymous simply because I don't feel like making one. You do all realize the reading is for entertainment. Some of the vitriol appears to come from thinking this has some kind of "turn my kid gay" quality. If you have watched ANY of these men and enjoyed their movies or shows ARE YOU NOW GAY? Milton Berle, Jack Lemon, Tony Curtis, Patrick Swazey, John Leguizamo, Wesly Snipes, Tyler Perry, Marlon Waynes, Tom Hanks, Matt LaBlank, Tim Curry, Nathan Lane,Kurt Russell, Jude Law,Dustan Hoffman, Jonny Depp, John
    Travolta,Jamie Farr, Adam Sandler, Dustin Hoffman, Eddie Murphy there are many many more. I'm also sure you wouldn't mind a selfie with some of them (Tom Hanks if you're listening). To those who think it would SCARE their kids don't take them I hated clowns. But remember not to let them watch Tom Hanks in Toy Story. He wore a (gasp) DRESS in Bosom Buddies. Oh, and stop hiding behind all these ANONYMOUS posts. Your a hypocrite and threatening harm to others like CPS. BTW CPS would brush that off as junk. I know as a former EMT and reporter for them. BUT posting names and pictures of participants against their will in hopes someone will "take care of them" is against the law and a threat. Also BTW if you enhance the picture the little girl in the back is picking her nose.

    February 16, 2020 at 9:42 AM

    Ruthie or whatever the Fk your name is, your comparison is completely out of wack. Those actors you mentioned weren't queer trannies with a mental illness so it isn't any comparison at all you freaking Whack Job! You are freaking NUTS!

    By the way, I have a strong feeling you are the lying Ryan Stevenson, The Head Of Wicomico First Alert. Ryan/Ruth pretty close isn't it. The same Ryan Stevenson who hosted many transvestite parties and local clubs in Salisbury. The same Ryan Stevenson who goes by Ryan Peek on Facebook.

    1. YEAH try making those movies in 2020 TOOL.

    2. And all those people you just listed are in movies that aren't for children.

    3. Also performs at the PNC building downtown

  101. I say let the kids listen to this lunacy then hold a meeting explaining to the children how wrong it is. Tell them if they ever come in contact with anything like this again run hollaring STRANGER DANGER

  102. Aren't we better than this?

  103. Anonymous said...
    The Pittsville town councilmember who recently got re-elected to her council position posted this on her FB page for the world to see. If I knew this is how the Bimbo felt about Queer Tranny's reading to my children at the Pittsville Library I wouldn't have voted for her. Apparently, she and Jared Schablein and the SJW's at the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus are on the same page. Yes, this was in reference to the Tranny reading at the Library post, I already spoke to her about her post.

    From FB

    Bethany Miller is feeling hopeful.
    February 11 at 5:19 PM ·
    Dreaming of the day that the world is full of empathy and inclusivity...

    February 16, 2020 at 1:26 PM

    Yep, Bethany Miller is a Left Wing Libtard, but we didn't have much to choose from.

  104. Anonymous said...
    The Pittsville town councilmember who recently got re-elected to her council position posted this on her FB page for the world to see. If I knew this is how the Bimbo felt about Queer Tranny's reading to my children at the Pittsville Library I wouldn't have voted for her. Apparently, she and Jared Schablein and the SJW's at the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus are on the same page. Yes, this was in reference to the Tranny reading at the Library post, I already spoke to her about her post.

    From FB

    Bethany Miller is feeling hopeful.
    February 11 at 5:19 PM ·
    Dreaming of the day that the world is full of empathy and inclusivity...

    February 16, 2020 at 1:26 PM

    Females make the worst elected leaders.

    1. She must be held accountable by the people

  105. Anonymous said...
    The drag queens are sick. LGBTQXYZZ are sick. Library Managers are sick. Parents who bring their kids there are sick. People who think its okay are sick. Society is sick. Lib Democraps are sick. All of you can go $hit and bark at the moon.

    February 15, 2020 at 2:00 PM

    Yep, they are sick and I agree with you 100%

  106. Everyday is now becoming Halloween.


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