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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Is Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Purposely Driving Attention Away From Missing Evidence At Police Department?

While young college students do very stupid things at times, Salisbury has seen some pretty horrific things that we have published over the years but as the link above will show, NOTHING gets done about such racist crimes. Remember this?
Point being, there's a major issue going on right now that I believe Jake Day and Barbara Duncan are skirting away from. It was Salisbury News who broke the news about all the evidence missing from storage at the SPD. Within 2 days of our exposure a press release came out but YOU do not know the extent of this investigation.

A very reliable source informed me there may in fact be Officers involved. The Police Chief and Mayor want you to believe this is all civilian employee driven. What you also do not know is the massive expense of this investigation. It has to be handled by outside sources such as investigators, attorneys and auditors. The City, (meaning you taxpayers) will have to foot the bill. What you also don't know is that they will have to go back possibly decades and interview every person in every case to find out what evidence was involved in each case and compare that to what is left in the police departments inventory. Do you have ANY idea what that will involve? This investigation could take years. 

So all of a sudden there's some graffiti at the University and Jake Day runs with it like it's domestic terrorism. He cries about how we can't keep college students here after they graduate but then goes on to imply these students are just as important as all of you as taxpayers. When I watched that video all I could think is, this guy is calling me all kinds of names because I disagree with his LGBT agenda. Well not for nothing Jake but I did GET OUT. I'm not a racist, homophobe or any of the other names you called out. What does it say when a Mayor invites freaks, (grown adult men in dresses) to a public library to read to innocent children! Believe me if I could get Eric the Barber and Sam's Club to come to Worcester County I'd never come to Salisbury again. 

In the mean time, Salisbury News will not drop the investigation with the Salisbury Police Department and it will stay at the top of our radar screen while you try to deflect such attention towards the University instead. It's a load of crap as proven in the above link.


  1. Looks like female writing. White, black, Or brown to be determined.

    1. That’s from a fake “hate crime” hoax at SU a few years ago, not the current hoax.

  2. Yeah apparently their former supervisor of investigations is now at home waiting his fate.

  3. I'm sorry, Joe. I just watched Jake's speech. He was talking directly to you.

  4. The FEDS need to investigate this.

    1. Why?

      Why are you calling for the criminally corrupt US Government to get involved in a local matter? Do you hate freedom? What is wrong with you? Are you stupid? You just love Big Government? Can’t handle things on a local level so you are begging for Communism?

      Wake up man

  5. where's the spread sheet? journal / log of all the evidence? someone steal it to?
    failed mayor and failed chief. but hey, the freaks are happy!

  6. Didn’t this happen before and they realized it was a black student so nothing happened?

  7. They are suspending officers left and right. All quietly though

  8. Every time this has happened it’s been a person of color and it’s no different this time, I’ve heard a video exists proving it

  9. Probably will turn out to have been done by a “person of color” trying to stir up something that doesn’t exist! They are the one that should be arrested!

  10. Joe the snowflake doesn't even know when he is being trolled!!!!!!

  11. I just saw Day's video where he, like most Democratic politicians, use incidents like the one at Salisbury University to pander. I didn't see him take to the air waves when there were multiple shootings the other day. Why? Because Day and others of his ilk bank on acts like the one at Salisbury University being perpetrated by non-blacks. Day is the mayor of a small city where the majority of the demographic is non-white, so it's in his political interest to go on camera and pander when there is an incident like the one at the university, but remain as quiet as a church mouse when there is violent crime because there's a good chance the suspect(s) in those instances of violent crime are non-white. I can almost guarantee that if they learn the person(s) responsible for the latest incident of racist graffiti at the university is non-white (as too many of the persons responsible for these type of acts turn out to be), Salisbury's pandering mayor will not go public and say that any minority that feels they must create racism where none exists is not welcome in Salisbury and should leave.

  12. funny how all this racism occurs at salis university. hmmm makes you wonder

  13. and what is that pos lesbo dunkin doing there? dont su have their own police?

  14. Oh my fing god. Closing SU because of racial writing on walls is pathetic. They should come in to the schools and they will see racist writing. Closing school and getting the FBI and ACLU doing an investigation is just going to cost us tax payers some way. Erase the crap. They did nothing when it was done last time because it was a person of color and nothing will be done again unless it’s a white person. What this person is doing is domestic terrorism and giving them so much publicity and closing a school Down is what they want and SU and the mayor are letting this happen. Now don’t get me wrong I do not agree with those racial remarks but come on people. I will tell you one thing if it was a white person, which I’m sure it was not, they will get slammed but they will also have a fight since the last person who did it nothing happened. Stop deflecting Mayor and tell us what is really going on.

  15. Call the FBI. Lol it’s one local agent with basically nothing to do, so they call him and people think WOW. The FBI is here from DC....not. Another part of the joke

  16. If SU Police are not capable of investigating such a minor incident such as this, student's parents should be very concerned for their safety. Perhaps its time for Ed Lashley to move on from another agency he was never qualified for.

  17. Don't put the finger at the civilian put the finger directly at Duncan she is after all supposed to be the chief, and point your fingers at her boss Jake Day for trying to cover it all up. Both need to be removed from their offices right now get the partitions started and go above Hogan he is in the same click as these other two. Time to clean the Salisbury Swamp.

  18. Of course any fool can see that Jake and his pal Duncan are trying to direct media attention anywhere but on Jake his wife and those charges and afraid of the connection direct to Jake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Why all the media coverage on SPD. The Sheriff's Office had an ass load of missing property not one mention of it in the public. That is a result of an elected official running the show. Mikey has swept so much under the rug you can not walk on it.


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