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Monday, February 24, 2020

ICE ignores California laws and arrests illegal aliens at the courthouse door

In 2018, California implemented the California Values Act, which gave special protection to illegal aliens by mandating that California law enforcement agencies cannot cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) thumbed its nose at California and arrested two people in Sonoma County Superior Court.

California has lots of reasons to hang onto its roughly 2.2 – 3.5 million illegal immigrants. They provide cheap, easily-exploited labor. They swell the state’s population, which matters for electors and congresspeople, as well as the distribution of certain federal funds. As illegal immigrants are fed into the system, they provide reliable (legal or illegal) Democrat votes. And they make Californians feel virtuous even as they allow corrupt Latin American states to continue exploiting their own citizens and destroying their economies by relying on remittances from people illegally in America.

For these reasons, California enacted the pompously named “California Values Act.” Although the act refers to “immigrants,” it’s obviously intended to affect only illegal aliens because the Act’s entire purpose is to use the agencies of the state to prevent ICE from gaining access to people illegally in California – including people who have committed crimes in California. This is the type of law that could only come from legislators and other virtue signalers ensconced in comfortable middle- and upper-middle-class enclaves unaffected by felonies that would never have happened but for open borders and sanctuaries.



  1. Amen! Keep up the good work!

  2. Local laws don't apply to Federal Agencies such as ICE. Federal Laws trump local laws.

  3. They should also have the US Marshals arrest the law makers that passed this stupid law.

  4. Exactly 10:41, they are obstructing justice, and prohibiting the enforcement of Federal law !

  5. Good example !!! Federal is OVER the state's Laws Period !!

    So > Ge the Hell OUT of the way , or get arrested !!! LOL LOL


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