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Monday, February 24, 2020

Bernie Sanders launches ANOTHER massive spending commitment with plan for free child care and pre-K from 'tax on billionaires' after victory in Nevada but dodges question on how much it will cost

Bernie Sanders unveiled his plan for 'universal childcare' in an interview Sunday – saying the new federal benefit will be funded by a tax on wealth.

The senator from Vermont defended the plan even as he takes fire from more centrist presidential rivals who have questioned the multi-trillion cost of his Medicare for All plan.

'It's taxes on billionaires,' he told host Anderson Cooper on CBS' '60 Minutes' Sunday.



  1. If the billionaires wanted to help the country they would be writing checks to the IRS. Apparently none of them have much confidence in our government.

    1. BHAA HAAA HAA HAA, if you think that only billionaires are going to pay for all the free stuff the new United Socialist States of America (USSA) will provide after Bernie becomes President, then you’re living in a fantasy world. Get ready you rich people who make more than $100,000/y. Bernie is coming after you.

  2. It's amazing that the American public supports an idiot that promises all these policies with NO clue on how to pay for it

  3. Bernie is out of control and getting more exhilarated with more people buying in to free everything. It's a pipe dream as nothing like this would ever pass congress. I can see seniors and millennials buying in to the nonsense; not much consequence to the seniors as they are beyond caring since they are living off IRAs and SS and kids have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Watch...the Democrats will figure a way to stop him.

  4. The drunken spending party will eventually come to an end.

  5. I can't wait for the debates.

    NONE of their fantasy BS can be defended or explained.

    On national TV, they will be humiliated and exposed as some of the stupidest, anti-American people to EVER have asked to lead the most powerful, most prosperous nation in our planet's history.

    It's also very funny to watch the Democrat "leaders" to tell democrat voters that they are too stupid to know who they REALLY should vote for....

    This is better than any comedy show in Vegas could EVER be.

  6. Poltians always propose tax increases that are above their net worth. WHY? They need to be paying their fair share, since they are spending our money. Drop the tax increases to net worth of 2.0 million and above. Call it paying their fair share or sharing their wealth with the lower incomes. They need to lead by example.

  7. This IDIOT Never can Justify his costs !!!! It's ALL on YOU !!!


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