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Thursday, February 27, 2020

How to Educate an American

Like a growing number of American families, my wife and I homeschool our young children. Why? A number of reasons, primarily the fact that studies show homeschooled kids are better-educated, better-socialized, and better-behaved than public schoolchildren. But our initial motivation was the conviction that the current American educational system is hopelessly broken, from pre-K all the way through college graduation. As every conservative knows, the leftist death grip on our schools has largely replaced education with indoctrination.

But we are fortunate; not every concerned family is in a position to homeschool, and simply abandoning our public schools to their ugly, Progressive fate is a surrender, not a solution. How then, do we reclaim American education so that all our children can be put back on track to a more prosperous, civically literate, empowered future? That is the theme of an important new book from Templeton Press titled, How to Educate an American: The Conservative Vision For Tomorrow’s Schools, a collection of essays from over twenty stellar contributors ranging from William J. Bennett and Mona Charen to Heather Mac Donald and Arthur C. Brooks, edited by Michael J. Petrilli and Chester E. Finn, Jr.

Petrilli is president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, executive editor of Education Next, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow for the Education Commission of the States. Finn is Distinguished Senior Fellow and President Emeritus of the Fordham Institute and a Senior Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution. In other words, they know this field, and for this volume they sought out, not fellow policy wonks, but “big thinkers – public intellectuals and scholars whose work includes education but doesn’t focus on policy prescriptions.” This makes for a highly readable and more wide-ranging collection of creative answers to the questions of where America is headed and the role education should play in getting us there.

More here


  1. Here is a though, and I know it is revolutionary but it might just work!!!!! How about you try putting someone in the position of The US department of EDUCATION, actually be a teacher or someone with a teaching degree versus some uneducated bureaucrat who is making policies and standards for education but is not even in the education field to begin with and you wonder why???? Not to mention it seems everyone in high positions worships evil, so that might play a part!!!!

    also as an FYI, this is the exact reason why they want kids to start school earlier in the year and go later through the year... Yet, they kids don't learn anything new nor do they any smarter nor do they even get through the entire curriculum to begin with... But remember, it is and always will be ALL FOR THE KIDS!!!


  2. The next step after getting some good ideas for fixing the mess is to get ACTIVE in replacing the people on the school boards that are presiding over the destruction of our education system.

    You will never fix the problem till you do that. The majority of the current board members are enabling the teachers unions (and amazingly, some pretty conservative people have been sucked in by the RedForEd scam.)

  3. Is Chester Finn related to Huckelberry?


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