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Thursday, February 27, 2020

AOC: Trump too 'scared' to criticize me to my face

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said President Trump is too afraid to criticize her in person the way he does on Twitter.

“Oh, no, he would not. Yeah, he never would,” the New York congresswoman said when asked during an interview with The Breakfast Club radio show whether the president would criticize her to her face. “Like, keep that same energy when you meet me.”

Co-host Angela Yee said it’s a “compliment” to be criticized by Trump.

“Yeah, well, I mean, I think he’s scared,” Ocasio-Cortez replied.



  1. She really does think she's a big deal doesn't she. A freshman congresswoman, in one of the smallest districts thinks the POTUS should recognize her. Poor delusional thing.


  2. He should send a car to pick her up and bring her to the White House.

  3. Free entertainment she is. A gift

  4. Such a small pimple, why would he even want to dignify her comment with a response. She is a complete horses A$$!!!!

  5. Yeah sure. Trump takes on North Korea's psycho leader and Xi in China and dealt with 16 other career politicians during the primaries and told NATO they need to pay up but he is only afraid of an idiot bartender? She needs to go back to getting popcorn dust in her cleavage at Hooters.

  6. To be fair, he's not the best at face to face confrontation. He will get torn up in the debates

    1. He did just fine against Killary.

    2. You have a short memory 944

  7. Flatter yourself, go ahead. I’ll even keep the AOC bumper sticker on my trash can.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To be fair, he's not the best at face to face confrontation. He will get torn up in the debates

    February 27, 2020 at 9:44 AM

    Like in the 2016 debates? haha

  9. @9:44
    No political experience, yet he took on 16 career politicians, then chewed up Hillary and spit her out in little pieces during one on one debates. Remember his statement "because you'd be in jail"? Yeah you're right, he's not good in face to face confrontations. Go back in the basement and play video games.

  10. Hey little girl, Trump isn't going to legitimize you by speaking to your face. You do not deserve any face time with POTUS. You are a junior Rep in your first term in office. You are nobody to POTUS. Let that sink in and cause a sore.

  11. He could hire her to Polish his shoes in 2020 !!!!

  12. Most pimples go away if you ignore them.


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