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Saturday, February 01, 2020

A socialist for president?

How is it that a communist, for all practical purposes, is winning in the Iowa caucuses at present? If there is anything that history shows repeatedly, it is that socialism, including its more violent form, communism, is an utter failure by every criterion imaginable.

And yet, as of this writing, Bernie Sanders, Democrat presidential candidate, and an out-of-the-closet socialist is leading in Iowa.

As The New York Times (1/26/20) notes: “Senator Bernie Sanders has opened up a lead in Iowa just over a week before the Democratic caucuses, consolidating support from liberals and benefiting from divisions among more moderate presidential candidates who are clustered behind him, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll of likely caucusgoers.”

Bernie Sanders is what you could call a limousine liberal or a sofa socialist. One writer uses the phrase, “champagne socialist.”

That writer is Dr. Paul Kengor, a professor of history and political science at Grove City College, and a best-selling author. Many of his books focus on communism. After the Soviet Union imploded in the early 1990s, they eventually released their formerly-classified documents.

Kengor took the time to study those documents and has produced books from those studies. One of those books, Dupes, shows how liberals in the West, including America, fell for the Communists’ lies.

More here


  1. To 49% of young people: if you vote for socialism, which is your right in America, enjoy that vote because it will be the last vote you will ever cast if socialist win the election.

  2. He’s not even a registered Democrat is he? He was registered independent because there is no option to register as a Communists.
    He should be hung. Is anyone interested in putting together a team to take these Communist bastards out already?

  3. The moment Bernie gets elected under a socialist ticket is the moment bullets start flying.

  4. Hold it folks - let’s examine this a bit. Let’s say for arguments sake that the misguided and ill informed youth of America feel the burn and somehow make him the nominee. How many of you have at one time or another completely destroyed an argument with a young person by simply stating the truth, and watching them implode when they realize they don’t know what they are talking about? How long does anyone realistically think Bernie will last against Trump, who is the ultimate capitalist? Bernie will get slaughtered and the collapse of the Democratic Party will be complete

  5. NOT in my AMERICA !!! GO to China or Russia !!! See Ya !!!


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