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Saturday, February 01, 2020

CNN condemns Trump's coronavirus task force for its 'lack of diversity'

CNN is being widely-mocked for a report knocking the Trump administration for its "lack of diversity" in the task force combatting the coronavirus -- with a former CNN pundit even pointing out the network’s own lack of diversity.

In an "analysis" piece, CNN national political writer Brandon Tensley sounded the alarm after President Trump tweeted out photos from a briefing he had on the deadly virus that is spreading across the world, saying "we have the best experts" who are monitoring the situation.

"Who are these experts? They're largely the same sort of white men (and a couple [of] women on the sidelines) who've dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning," Tensley complained.

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  1. We need the best people combating that disease regardless of their skin color.It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be.

  2. I'm now dumber for reading such ridiculous crap. Might be as bad as affirmative action in Law Enforcement.

  3. So funny - ORANGE MAN BAD!

  4. The NBA seems to lack diversity!

  5. LOL....I don’t think sick people will give a damn about the color of the skin of a person trying to keep them healthy!!!

  6. cnn: You not the president, get over it

  7. That’s all they have left in their quiver... racism to divide people

  8. Diversity is a weakness Unity is a strength

  9. What? He wants more blacks to get the coronavirus? BS!


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