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Monday, February 17, 2020

Government Officials Seize Veteran’s Guns in Mistaken Identification In Red Flag Law Execution

Since the crazed Constitutional rights prohibitionists can’t get the federal government to pass any of their absurd gun control laws, they have turned to a state-by-state effort to methodically do away with the 2nd Amendment.

One of the many laws they are pushing are so-called “red flag” laws where someone can petition the courts to have someone’s guns taken away without any due process by claiming the person is a danger to themselves or others. And the person being served with the court order doesn’t even know it until the cops are at the door. Then the person has to spend their own money and time to fight it, and has to prove their innocence before the court in order to get their rights back.

The crazed prohibitionists try to claim there is due process and that these laws will save lives, while they mock anyone who dares to bring up dystopian scenarios where people are wrongly accused. Except what happens when the wrongly accused are actually served with these orders in real life?



  1. This IS Mike Lewis' specialty

    1. Very true 315

      I was subject to this bullchit from my ex wife who was running on me at the time...

      Thousands of dollars in attorney fees to be found innocent....
      Lime light Lewis gave me all my guns back , after court...
      with exception of two 410 shotguns. I suppose those shot guns Lewis needed for his personal collection.

      I have consulted with Jewish Lawyers out of D.C. to file civil suit against Lewisand Derickson for violating my Constitution rights.

      Just not sure what I'm going to do with all their money I'll get and their homes they will have to forfeit to me.

    2. She wouldn’t have left if she was happy. Move on with your life and be kind. She is much happier now and you should be too and I hope you will find happiness someday. You deserve it. Thank you.

    3. 11:10

      You missed my whole point

      There is no due process with Red Flag or restraining orders in Wicomico County court

      your guns are taken away with bully behaviors , and you need to prove your innocence based on a verbal complaint.

      Oh brother, I moved on, but Lunatic Lewis is going to pay dearly for violating my civil Constitution rights and my Bill of rights.

      We need to send a message to the progressives, like Lewis, who enjoy disarming Citizens in Wicomico County based on accusations. Lewis is trying to retire, but that wont save him now.

      Recently, a Man recieved 700,000 dollars against a jerk who was banging his wife per the courts.

      I could care less on who my ex whore wife was banging to get more prescriptions drugs.


      You see , unless you sue these bastards, this chit will continue.

      Persons like you have little brains like other things in your pants.

      I bet you drive a 4x4 truck too to try to prove your a BIG MAN.

  2. And this is why yu will not b e able to trust the police when the Dems are firmly in control. The police will work for them, not the public. They will not stand up to the Dems, they will take their paychecks and become the new version of the secret police. The Dems are jealous of the Chinese being able to put their population into "re-education" camps.

    1. Careful when you say police..the state and local po, po will.. i agree....but nationwide our sheriffs still fight for our second amendment.if the state police would do that I would have a whole lot more respect. Our second amendment rights are under attack with no help in Annapolis if it were not for "ELECTED"sherriffs

  3. Democrats need to take criminals guns that’s something we all can agree on.

    1. You are a dangerous individual, who decides who is criminal..just like the commucrat healthcare that decodes who to keep alive and who should die.....see ya later commie

  4. Define criminals 6:03
    Democrats just need to start thinking for themselves

  5. Was it because I recommended opening fire on people sneaking around your house in the dark hours of the morning?
    Or was it the "gestapo" reference?
    Or was it "guilty until proven innocent" part???
    just asking...


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