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Monday, February 17, 2020

'Deporting three million was a big mistake': Joe Biden admits for the first time that he regrets expulsions under Obama administration

Going further than he ever has in expressing regret over Obama administration immigration policy, presidential candidate Joe Biden called it a 'big mistake' to have deported hundreds of thousands of people without criminal records.

'We took far too long to get it right,' Biden, 77, said in a wide-ranging, sometimes contentious interview with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos on Friday.

The former vice president later added: 'I think it was a big mistake. Took too long to get it right.'

In written statements included as part of Biden´s proposed immigration overhaul, the campaign already had acknowledged 'pain' surrounding deportations that occurred when he served as President Barack Obama´s vice president. But the candidate himself had not so clearly stated his personal regrets.



  1. Joe open your homes too them ? U POS.

  2. In retrospect, Trump should have championed open borders. That wall would have been finished by now!

    1. Reverse psychology would probably work since the dimocrats go totally against anything Trump proposes

  3. One of the few things that the Kenyan did right! Now Joe wants to say it was bad! Your chances of getting elected are falling every time you open your pie-hole!

  4. Because you really need those dem votes now amIright.

  5. "Deporting only three million,and not more, was a big mistake." There fixed it for ya Biden.

  6. For once, Joe is right.

    30 million would have been more like it.

  7. Have a Corona on me Jorge and Biden. No please, I insist...

  8. These stupid dumbocrats have NO CORE VALUES!!!!!

  9. The ONLY thing he regrets is that people keep digging up his lies, hypocrisy, and ace-kissing.
    He would apologize to Satan and his minions if he thought he could get another 1000 votes.
    The democrats should all hold hands and jump off the highest building they can find.

    THAT'S called "Making America Great Again".

  10. Joe actually thinks Hispanics are either stupid or have amnesia.

  11. Obama has never supported him and ignores him why can't Biden stand on his own he useds Obama as a crutch to get black voters. Biden you are a looser give it up and go away quietly in a corner of a jail cell for your's and Hunter's roll in your own swamp.


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