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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Emotional Rush Limbaugh receives the Medal of Freedom from Trump during State of the Union

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh struggled to hold back tears as he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the nation's highest civilian honors, during the State of the Union address on Tuesday.

Limbaugh was presented with the medal by First Lady Melania Trump during President Trump's address, shocked and emotional by the sudden announcement.

The radio host, 69, had arrived in a wheelchair having received an invite from President Trump after the host announced on his radio show on Monday that he has 'advanced lung cancer' and would be stepping away from his presenting duties for treatment.

He is the 15th civilian to receive the award from President Trump.



  1. God Bless El Rushbo... well deserved... well deserved...

  2. SOTU was great last night. Can I tell you how refreshing it is to watch as Trump rubbed Pelosi's face in the facts of her district like what you do with a puppy when she pees in the house. All of the other Republican eunuchs have always said "don't make the crazy people angry" essentially hoping that the Dem loons and their media lap dogs will be nice to them if they play nice. Trump understands who his enemies are, unlike most mainstream R's. I will certainly be supporting Trump in 2020. I will not be supporting you Republican eunuchs that hope you will get eaten last, as I am being feasted upon by the commie dems in power.


  3. One of the most notable things about last night was Pelosi's behavior and demeanor..

    She was an absolute you-know-what. Poster child.

  4. I feel bad about Limbaugh having cancer, but he is not deserving of this medal at all.

    He has been sensational, decisive and dividing, promoted debunked conspiracy theories, and is just generally mean spirited.

    Sure, he's an entertaining radio personality.. and I listened to him for lots of years, along with Hannity, Stern, Don and Mike... I listened to lots of good radio entertainers of many political persuasions.

    But this? This is just about pandering to his base. Were the situations turned and this was democrat doing this there would be melt downs everywhere.

    You can't fault a scorpion for being a scorpion, and I expected Trump to do exactly what he did. It only furthers the divide in America.

    We can't stop yelling and pointing when the other team does it, then retreat to our corners and turn a blind eye when our team does the same. It's why our government is a swamp now. We let it happen.

    This medal is a distinguished honor, and now it is just another casualty of the poisonous partisanship that has infected our discourse.

    It is deeply disheartening, and this is a stain on our American History.

    1. And you think Dinero deserved one from Obama? He gave them out like Halloween candy. I'm feeling triggered...

    2. Your opinion means nuts

  5. That was a nice honor for a patriot. I also liked the honor bestowed on newly starred General McGee. The old warrior showed a lot of class saluting the Commander in Chief.

  6. 10:33 The stain on America? Well that would be Pelosi and the dems and they proved that last night. And our government has been a swamp for over 30 years. Wake up. How do you feel about Obama giving Ellen DeGeneres the same award?

  7. Biden the do nothing democrat who has been in politics for over 40 years received one. maybe his was an award for most women and children sniffed and fondled by a swamp creature.

  8. @ February 5, 2020 at 10:59 AM

    That's the point exactly! NO, Dinero shouldn't get one, the same way Rushbo shouldn't get one.

  9. Pelosi Disrespected Him & the others incl Tuskagee Airman
    Not just Trump & Disrespected America & it's VOTERS !!!!!

    Democrats are Criminals who HAVE to be removed from Govt !!

  10. Most of Hollywood received this medal - Obama was working on his millions. We were had people.

  11. Obama gave one to David Letterman which was payment for constantly having the Obamas on his show and saturating the airways with them prior to Obama's reelection.

  12. No one can explain Politics like Rush. Granted he gets a lot of help from conservative organizations and insiders. But when you listen to him it all makes sense. For those who mock him- YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!

  13. Pelosi Schumer Schiff Nadler get the Medal of SCUM award !!!


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