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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Donald Trump confirms al-Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi has been killed in U.S. operation in Yemen

President Donald Trump has confirmed that the U.S. killed the leader of the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula jihadist group who claimed responsibility for a mass shooting at an American naval base.

Trump said in a statement on Thursday that the U.S. at his direction conducted a counter-terrorism operation in Yemen that killed Qassim al-Rimi.

Al-Rimi is a founder of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

The group has long been considered the global network's most dangerous branch for its attempts to carry out attacks on the U.S. mainland.



  1. Are we getting closer to the Saudi connections?

  2. You'd think with the expertise to make bombs and the resources to maintain a terror network keeping the leader's identity a secret would be rather easy. Tasty kool-aid.

  3. More enemy Take-Outs to go !!!! Keep up the Good work !!!

    Trump Gets ALL the credit < Democrats get NONE !!!!

    1. When will you silly sheep wake up and realized this is bigger than Democrats and Republicans. That’s the distraction for the banking elites and royal blood lines

    2. These commenters are ignorant of that secret information

  4. keep it coming Mr. Trump

  5. And Another one bites the dust! Keep up the good work President Trump!
    Making America Great Again!!!

  6. Way to go proud of our Military and our Commander and Chief our President really loves this country and our people evident in everything he does. He has given our country back respect and a pride that had slipped away. It was long over due the Democratic presidents like Obama eroded our position in the world but now it is being restored and with 4 more years under Trump we will exceed our dreams.

    1. More important: Mr Trump loves Israel!

      Americans are very happy to fight for Israel

  7. Democrats: "He should have told us before doing this."

  8. The CIA created Al CIA ‘Duh after the Mujahadeen prevented the Soviets from seizing the Afghan Poppies. Great job by Tim Osmond (code name for Osama Bin Laden). He was working for Israel and US all along. But they couldn’t tell us in the media.

  9. Pelosi will say SHE gave the order for the operation !!!!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Famous last words from Islamic terrorist: What the hell was that?

  11. Falling like dominoes it's a good thing as Martha Stewart always said.

  12. Looking now for the NEXT in line !!! Already targeted !!!

  13. @335 Speak for yourself sparky, I'd love to see it wiped from the map. If you want your kids to go die on behalf of people that view you as slaves and cattle feel free, but neither of mine will ever go, law be damned.


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