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Saturday, February 01, 2020

Bloomberg buys up Google search ads to shift Super Bowl attention away from Trump

Democratic 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg and President Trump are engaged in a Super Bowl ad spending battle that includes the Bloomberg campaign buying up Google search ads for the Super Bowl.

Bloomberg is aiming to direct online traffic to his campaign while also attempting to steer eyes away from Trump’s reelection bid. If a Google user searches the phrase “donald trump super bowl ad,” the person is greeted with a paid ad from the Bloomberg team that reads, “Trump’s Broken Promises. Enough Is Enough.”

Bloomberg’s campaign is also purchasing terms relevant to his and Trump’s in-game spots “as a way to make sure the powerful story in our ad is seen by as many people as possible,” the Bloomberg national campaign's spokeswoman said.



  1. He don't have enough $$$ to erase Trump !!!

    America is Watching & Trump will WIN by a Landslide 2020 !!!!

  2. Bloomturd is a idiot and a clown...

  3. According to the book : “Profiles in CorruptIon,” Bloomberg was a major donor to Cory Booker.

  4. Can't BUY America !!! Trump Wins 2020 !!!!

  5. Trumps base doesnt care. Go ahead. Waste your money.

  6. Are there any decent search engines available? Any that are as good as Google once was?

  7. Good. Let him waste his money.

  8. Let him go BROKE !!!! Love it Opening for Dog Catcher !!!!

  9. That won't work either so waist your money
    MAGA / KAG

  10. He too Dumb to Catch a Dog !!! A Fool & his $$ soon Part !!!


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