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Saturday, January 25, 2020

‘What is going on in Virginia?’: Trump blasts Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam at March for Life

President Trump slammed Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam over comments the Democrat made last year about late-term abortion in the commonwealth.

"Then we had the case of the Democrat governor in the state of Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Trump. “We love the Commonwealth of Virginia, but what is going on in Virginia? What is going on? The governor stated that he would execute a baby after birth. You remember that."

Northam came under attack last spring after he defended Virginia state Del. Kathy Tran's controversial third-trimester abortion bill.

The bill, which failed to pass the Virginia General Assembly, focused on current Virginia law, which allows abortion in the third trimester if the life and/or health of a mother would be “substantially and irredeemably” harmed by delivery. Tran's legislation attempted to lower the standard set forth in the law.


1 comment:

  1. Gov. Coonman said he would be proud to deliver a baby and then jam a steel rod into the base of its skull and into the little brain to kill it.
    No respect for life, or the constitution, or bill of rights.

    He is attacking the 1st. and 2nd. amendment with impunity.
    Just keep voting Democrat and this country is doomed!


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