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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Chuck Grassley asks if FBI informant used Pentagon contract money to spy on Trump campaign

A top Republican senator wants to know if an FBI informant used taxpayer money to recruit sources from within President Trump's 2016 campaign.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, wrote to the Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment this week asking for confirmation that funds from Pentagon contracts awarded to Stefan Halper were not used for the FBI's investigation into a possible criminal conspiracy between the Trump camp and Russia.

Halper is a former Republican operative and White House aide who became a foreign policy academic with close ties to both U.S. and British intelligence. He had discussions with at least three Trump campaign members: foreign policy aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page and Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis.



  1. This is pure theatre.
    Everybody present knows what the outcome will be since they were briefed by their handlers.
    The handlers work for the families who finance the campaigns.
    They own the Media Companies too

    The elites plan to use The Donald as the example why conservative principles no longer work.
    He is compromised of course.
    He knows the role he is playing too, and loves it.
    Remember, he is an actor. Don't let yourself forget that. And he is a lifelong Democrat. He is 33rd Degree. He is Chabad which is Russian Jewish Mafia.
    His father's lawyer was Chabad.
    His stepson is Chabad.

    So you see, all of it is true.
    Along with the fact that under Trump's Administration the Country is in much better shape than it would have been under his good friend's Administration, Mrs Clinton.

    Here is the reality: The US Dollar is worthless and is being printed into oblivion. Nobody even knows how much of it exists now. The only reason we don't already have hyperinflation of prices is because of the elite's collusion to price fix with the other 300 families who own 99% of the wealth and corporations in the world. The US Dollar must be abandoned before it collapses completely. Beforehand, the US population must be disarmed.

    I believe they are basically going to give us this option:

    Marijuana in exchange for the guns.

    What do you think will happen?

  2. America will take the marijuana and it’s a shame. People are ignorant about what governments do once they disarm citizens. Crazy that’s what will happen.

  3. 10:59

    I am glad that you must have traded your guns for marijuana, but you need to get off the meth, it's warping your sense of reality.

    1. I agree 1:46, I've warned him more than enough times

  4. 10:59 - Was there a house fly on your shoulder when you stepped into the transportation chamber?


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