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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

'We should all be scared to death': Mike Lee would vote to repeal FISA

A Republican senator said he would vote to repeal the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act following a scathing report that found serious problems in how the FBI sought to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser.

Utah Sen. Mike Lee, a longtime critic of the FISA program, told One America News Network on Saturday that the audit released last month by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz was a wake-up call to "stop allowing the American people to be subjected to this type of abuse and manipulation."

"We should all be scared to death," Lee said. "We shouldn't rest until FISA is either repealed entirely or drastically, dramatically reformed."



  1. How about go back for 10 years on all cases.

  2. exactly 934am....all this reporting when its been going on for years, ell...everyones been inquiring for 10yrs why the gop is muted, like theyve been gagged...because they have! Gagged via extortion because they were spyed upon and their corrupt little secrets held hostage. We saw chief judge roberts reactions. If fisa is done away with...theyll just keep spying, these terrorist dont care if its legal or not. Executions will make it stop. This is why things are so bad, corruption so deep, because there hasnt been accountability for DECADES!!!!

  3. If they make it illegal it will just continue to be used under the radar.

    They are not supposed to be allowed to monitor phone calls but each and every phone call in the US is recorded, the meta data that identifies who made the call is also recorded in a separate place and the the two are put together when they want to.

  4. If you follow this act, the Democrats were wanting to toughen up the process and not offer so much potential for abuse many years ago and the Republicans did not. Now ,the shoe is on the other foot,now the Republicans want it to go away. THIS WAS A REPUBLICAN LEGISLATION

  5. secret courts should never be allowed by the us government against it's citizens, that process is and always will be corrupted by those in charge. You got charges bring em in a court of law open and transparent. King George may not have run secret courts but our liberties where just as infringed upon.
    Total BS!

  6. Nothing was patriotic about the patriot act..terrorism act.. all bills rammed thru congress at lighting speeds, reversing thing is a luciferian trait. It should be called the un patriot act

    1. Correct 6:02, the patriot act was designed to dilute our rights, was nothing patriotic about it. That's just one reason why there are conspiracy theories concerning 9/11

  7. 6:02, exactly right! Local law enforcement is abusing the patriot act also.


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