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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Pompeo: We’re Having to Clean Up the Obama Administration’s ‘Mess’

On Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration is cleaning up the “mess” the Obama administration created in Iran.

Partial transcript as follows:

STEPHANOPOULOS: There’s also the question going forward if you take any new action against Iran is congressional authorization needed. Former Vice-President Biden spoke about that yesterday. Let’s listen.

JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE-PRESIDENT: I’m going to make it clear, President Trump has no authority to take us to a military conflict with Iran, period. The bottom line is any further action against Iran requires congressional authorization.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Will the president go to Congress before taking new military action against Iran?

POMPEO: Boy, it’s really something to hear the vice-president from the previous administration be critical of this administration’s policy of Iran. We’re having to clean up their mess, George. We’ll do everything required under the law to bring us into compliance with all the relevant constitutional legal provisions with respect to our duties to the legislative branch.



  1. ISNT it amazing that Obama stopped Israel from killing Soliemani in a operation ?

  2. Perhaps the issues you're having are a result of you destabilizing the region then publicly assassinating a military leader in a foreign country. WE SCREWED UP, QUICK, BLAME OBAMA!

    1. We didn’t screw up! We killed a terrorist. Meanwhile, the democrats are buddy buddy with the terrorists and gave them money. We have a man in office who doesn’t apologize and stands his ground to protect all of us. God bless TRUMP 2020

    2. 12:04 Obama invited him to the Whitehouse. Trump took him out. That’s the difference in the 2. I prefer a dead terrorist as opposed to one being treated as a guest at the whitehouse. But you do you🙄

    3. Perhaps the issues you are having, is being a terrorist communist sympathizer who hates america

    4. 203 you fools cant get basic facts straight yet you want someone to take your opinion seriously. Do us all a favor and take a chill pill

    5. 12:04 are you paying attention. Who do you think has been the lynch pin of middle east instability for decades. It's certainlty not Trump you moron!! He was fair game a combatant in a WAR zone.


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