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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

WE CAUGHT HIM! Rep. Adam Schiff Caught Leaking Classified Information from House Committee in Effort to Damage President Trump

Democrat Adam Schiff leaked sensitive and classified House Committee materials in his obsession to politically damage President Trump.

In an exclusive report, we provide the evidence below.

On July 12, 2018, Democrat Representative Adam Schiff sent John Szobocsan a letter on official letterhead requesting that Mr. Szobocsan participate in an interview in front of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI):



  1. Enough with the expose. Indictments, jail!

  2. was he under oath?

  3. He did what he was told to do

  4. Time for PRISON !!! See ya

  5. Two Sets of Laws.

    Why don't YOU try leaking classified information, even to your wife, and see how long it would take Schiff and his pedophile cronies to put YOU in PRISON.

    Less than the time it takes for him to tell everyone how he is doing it for "their own good" (because there is a clause in every law passed that the rich and powerful, the connected, really don't fall under the same punishment scheme as "we, the people"), when he REALLY means "I can get on CNN tonight, where they will talk about my "bombshells" again..

    We killed a lot of their types about 240 years ago, but apparently they passed their privilege down through the generations.

    START THE HANGING!!! Start with him.

  6. Lets see how much is leaked from Trumps cell phone and Maro-Largo


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