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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Iranian lawmaker offers $3M reward for anyone who assassinates Trump

An Iranian lawmaker announced he would give $3 million to any person who is able to assassinate President Trump.

"On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump," lawmaker Ahmad Hamzeh told the nation's Parliament, Reuters reported Tuesday. It is unclear if the reward is also supported by Iran's top leaders.

Hamzeh went on to urge Iran to continue developing nuclear weapons along with long-range missiles.

"If we had nuclear weapons today, we would be protected from threats," he stated. "We should put the production of long-range missiles capable of carrying unconventional warheads on our agenda. This is our natural right."



  1. Is anyone really surprised by this?

  2. 3 million from the pallet of cash obama(satan) sent them.

  3. LMAO, this guy better start looking for un-maned drones

  4. How much for Schiff, Pelosi and Schumer? I think a dollar should do it.

  5. John Wick's assassin would have gotten $4m.

  6. Trump should put a 4 million dollar bounty on the haji's head

  7. He is speaking the truth.
    So now it doesn't sound like such a legal matter does it?
    Murdering an official of another Country.

  8. 6:24, Agree, you're right on. Did Trump just set the precedent that there are
    no Rules[of Law and Order] in the World and it's open season on any officials
    and diplomats? It's a two way street.

  9. 7:33....who do you think would win THAT battle???


    I'd send a cruise missile to his house and tell the world THAT is what happens when you put a contract out on an American, especially an American President.

  10. 7:33 Which official or diplomat did Trump open the season on? If you are referring to Gen. Qasem Soleimani. He was in the military, promoted terrorism throughout the world and specifically targeted Americans. He was sanctioned as a terrorist by the Obumma administration for planning an attack in Washington DC. Soleimani was not a diplomat.

  11. Isn't/couldn't that be considered an act of war?

    Did Trump just set the precedent that there are
    no Rules[of Law and Order] in the World and it's open season on any officials
    and diplomats? It's a two way street.

    January 22, 2020 at 7:33 PM

    No, limbo, he did not set a precedent. He did kill some of our enemies who just happen to be terrorists and murderers. But I guess that's ok with your kind.


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