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Saturday, January 11, 2020

VIRGINIA ALERT: Guns Banned Ahead of Lobby Day at State Capitol


  1. Black face is scared...

    .he just made a bad move attacking those who own guns

  2. I hope you watched that Ralphie boy.

  3. Northam has been compromised by the Deep State...he's truly a puppet and a bad one at that.

  4. EVERYONE should show up. Carrying AT least two weapons and spare mag's.
    It's coming to a fight, for sure.
    It's what they WANT.

    When it's 20 against one, the police are really bad-ass and tough.
    But they always wait until it's 20-1.

    See how they act when it's 5000 against 300 and EVERYONE has a gun.

    Keep cheering those patriotic Virginians.

  5. 5:58
    5000? Try 50,000. Cops will pee their pants and run to their wives and mommies or die for Ralph Northam.

  6. Well, we all can't be there to protest but be assured that if the war pops off you have support on the eastern shore.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well, we all can't be there to protest but be assured that if the war pops off you have support on the eastern shore.

    January 11, 2020 at 8:42 PM

    It will be interesting to see if you are correct. Lots of people talk the talk


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