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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pelosi to Transmit Impeachment Articles to Senate Next Week

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats Friday that she was prepared to send the articles of impeachment passed by the House to the Senate for trial, despite a month-long delay to the process.

The Speaker revealed her intentions in a letter to her Democrat colleagues and obtained by reporters.

“I have asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate,” Pelosi wrote in the letter. “I will be consulting with you at our Tuesday House Democratic Caucus meeting.”



  1. I wouldn't hold my breath. McConnell should be ready for Pelosi's head fake.

  2. WOOOO!! She getting SCARED NOW !!! LOL LOL

  3. Send PELOSI to the SENATE Under Oath !!!!

    1. Under oath means nothing to the dimocrats

  4. Seeing is believing.

  5. Pelosi needs to be impeached very poor job she has done--OUT WITH PELOSI.

  6. Pelosi had no choice as she was called out by McConnell-in the vernacular, he just owned her on the big stage. She will drag it out as long as she can in the hopes that something will go her way. The only real option is to blame Schiff and Nadler, which would be easy to do.

  7. Bet she doesn't. I saw her lips move. She's lying.

  8. She knows she better or else it will all be thrown OUT !!!!

  9. Lets put HER on the stand FIRST !!!! See how that Goes !!!!


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