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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Their reactions were priceless.


  1. How he was allowed onstage is beyond me.
    His warnings about speeches didn't work.

    One sicko said the right to abortion was tantamount to women's success.

    These people are sick.

    (Best line: "I now he's [Epstein] your friend.")

  2. It was as though Gervais channeled the spirit of Don Rickles.

  3. Truth at its finest!

  4. Wow he's telling alot of truths, I'll be surprised if they invite him back, "loved it"

  5. Good work, Ricky.

    They just can't believe that there is any American who doesn't hang on their every word, dripping with wisdom and clarity.

    When someone tells them that no one outside their circle of yes-men, no one cares what they think about anything, they hear fingernails on chalkboards.

    Pretty good work.


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