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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Sen. Hawley: ‘Pelosi Is Attempting to Obstruct a Senate Trial’ by Withholding Impeachment Articles

Monday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) decision to withhold articles of impeachment from the Senate.

Hawley accused Pelosi on “Fox & Friends” of “attempting to obstruct a Senate trial” and called for a change in the Senate rules to allow for the case to be dismissed if she continues her refusal to send over the articles.

“You know, Nancy Pelosi is attempting to obstruct a Senate trial. That’s all there is to it,” Hawley stated. “The Constitution says that the Senate is the one that will have the trial. It says the trial will follow the impeachment. Now, she’s trying to prevent a trial. She’s trying to obstruct it and upend the Constitution. Here’s what needs to happen: we need to change the Senate rules to allow the Senate to dismiss this case if she refuses to send the articles over.”



  1. she won't send them because she doesn't have anything.

  2. She will hold on sending anything until the final day. The rules state that she has 25 days from the final version of the articles being drafter. (today is day 20) That said, she is/was stonewalling until something else came up. I personally think she was waiting for Bolton to make his statement and is hoping to use potentially damaging information from him to further the democratic impeachment push. Unfortunately for Pelosi, Mitch McConnel is on top of things and had his Senate colleague file the motion for a rule change vote. The short version is that he put the Democrats on the clock. This won't end well for the Democracts at all.

  3. She is not attempting to obstruct , she is obstructing , period . Here is another case where nothing will be done , yellow republicans running scared.

  4. "This won't end well for the Democracts at all."

    Watching them spin it will simultaneously be amusing, enraging and saddening. The Dems are in freefall and can't find their parachute.

  5. ALL ILLEGAL > where the Hell is the SCOTUS now !!!! ????

  6. Nothing compares to Trumps TOTAL obstruction of Congress,...nothing.
    What is he hiding? Why will he not allow documents? Why will he not allow testimony? He is guilty as sin


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