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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

The Mental Health Crisis

It is no longer news that the country is in a mental health crisis. Suicide rates are off the charts, so is the number of addicts and people dying of drug overdose.

This series of events is a direct consequence of the decline in mental health across the nation. But they do not tell the full story. Mental health cases are more rampant than ever and the dearth of professionals equipped with the necessary skills to tackle the crisis have never been more obvious.

It’s high time we all looked inwards as a nation and come up with lasting solutions to the crisis.

What do the statistics say?
  • About 50% of Americans are diagnosed with a mental health problem at least once in their lifetime
  • The disorders account for the third most common cause of hospitalization
  • An estimated 44 million Americans currently suffer from mental illness
  • Adults with serious mental health conditions die about 25 years earlier than their counterparts without mental health conditions
  • 42,000 Americans commit suicide every year
  • 60% of Americans with mental health conditions DO NOT RECEIVE TREATMENT
  • 23 million Americans suffer from addiction
  • 88% of addicts DO NOT RECEIVE TREATMENT
These shocking statistics serve to highlight the magnitude of the problem. Previously, mental health used to be a distant topic; something that applied to others. However, this situation has changed. Virtually every American has had a first-hand feel of mental health disorders and the number of people affected keeps increasing. If urgent steps are not taken, the damage can only get worse.

Below are some proposed solutions that could help us get out of the crisis:


  1. Have a lot of them living in Salisbury.

  2. I saw this title and thought, finely something is going to be done with those idiots in Washington!

  3. Crisis >> Democrats in America Need Treatment !!!

  4. The government is releasing this information a bit early.
    The ream problem of "mental health" will be manifest soon because of the aluminum toxicity.
    There is nano particulate aluminum everywhere and it is damaging neurological systems of insects and mammals.

    Very dire situation.

    1. Quit smoking that crack and your paranoia will go away

  5. Easy fix. Confiscate all the guns

  6. 50%?????? I will beg to differ on this line one opinion. This is either a gun grab article or one about the Democrats in the USA.

  7. Be careful how much of this crap you buy into. Remember the red flag laws? If you are deemed to have ANY mental illness, the government can take your guns. But who determines what mental illness is and who determines if you have a mental illness......the government.

    If you've been to the doctor's office recently, they ask you a whole bunch of "mental illness" questions before the visit. Who do you think is governing them to ask these questions?

  8. Easy to identify. They are Democrats. Anyone that would consider voting for Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders is nuts.

  9. so true. Those of us at JMB try and seek help but never get it. We have approached even our principal and she does not do anything. She will not follow up with us when we ask for assistance. The other Principals took it serious but she shrubs it off. There is also alot of drugs in our school and again she is too scared to do anything. She knew of the rumor about Mrs Day was not true and she swept it under the rug. It all starts with the top. If she will not do something or at least deligate then no one will follow. Please help us here sombody

    1. This post is really sad. I’m sure Dr. Hanlin or someone close to her read this post. Please answer this cry for help. Don’t wait until it is too late. There are repercussions if you know something and don’t say something. Lori Batts are you listening?? You have turned your head too many times. You have been warned.


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