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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Ocean City Approves New Parking Rate Structure

OCEAN CITY — After clearing up some loose ends, resort officials this week approved a resolution setting in stone changes in the public parking rate structure in the coming season at the Inlet lot, municipal lots and on the streets.

After numerous meetings, the resort’s parking task force last month forwarded recommendations for tweaking the rate structure for public parking in areas where it already exists. In simplest terms, the recommendations included a modest rate hike of 50 cents per hour in most areas during the peak of the summer season, with a throwback to the consumer in the form of times in the shoulder seasons when paid parking is eliminated.

The goal of the task force’s undertaking was to explore ways to increase revenue from parking to help offset growing budget demands and shift some of the responsibility for maintaining the beach and Boardwalk to the day-trippers, all while keeping a paid parking fee schedule fair and palatable to all consumers.



  1. Actually, there’s becoming LESS reason to visit the downtown much less paying more to park there. Nothing but junk shops and bad food

  2. ha ha ha , modest rate hike of 50 cents an hour. what are they up to now? $4, $5 an hour to park?

  3. Except bikers..those kiosks are not conducive to motorcycles

  4. If they have Topless girls on the beaches they can charge even more and make a ton of money!

  5. "modest rate hike"

    boil the frog slowly and it will remain in the pot of boiling water until it dies

  6. What did I tell you, every single year they raise rates!!!! They will never stop unless you make them!!! But you won't so good luck with your new taxes Worcester County, Berlin and OC!!! Hows that "I will move" bullshit working out for you??? Seems the govt called your bluff, now what??? Cry like the lazy losers you are?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Actually, there’s becoming LESS reason to visit the downtown much less paying more to park there. Nothing but junk shops and bad food

    January 7, 2020 at 7:14 PM

    Exactly! Towns ran by Democrats always become $hitholes.

  8. Fifty cents an hour to park near the beach is going to break you? Even a dollar an hour... $2.00 an hour?
    If it does, the town doesn't care if you are there or not. Ocean City exists to make money, and there's nothing wrong with that.
    If the visiting population drops from 300,000 people a day to, say, 150,000 people per day because of a parking fee, the town would offer free parking in a minute.
    Supply and demand, pure and simple.

  9. A .50 hour increase is what percentage increase from last year? Conveniently omitted. At that yearly increase, how long will it take to be 100% more than last year? Anyone on this blog know the facts, or is Ocean City going to get away with only publishing the .50 (per hour) increase? Let's see, 300,000 people during the peak season, at 4-8 hours at the beach every day, assuming there's two people per car: 300.00/2+ 150.000 cars at .50 per car, per hour, for a minimum 4 hours a day, is a whopping $300,000 increase on the public for parking in just one year. OC truly believes the tourists have never ending deep pockets for them wring money out of. The business leaders in OC better wake up and realize that the $300,000 increase in parking fees is going to come from their sales. Tourist come with a budget. What goes to parking, comes from somewhere else. OC's greed has no shame. Even after spending most of the summers of my youth there, I want no parts of it now. My memories of the OC of yore will have to do. There are much more tourist friendly places to visit than OC.

  10. I guess OC will just keep raising the parking rates, when they should be ADDING parking spaces to get more revenue. Duh! A multi-level parking garage downtown would benefit both downtown businesses and the city by adding more spaces and would bring even more people to the downtown businesses. Raising the rate for parking does not bring in any more people to downtown, and just takes money away from the tourists, that would be spent with OC businesses. The business leaders in OC better get control of the council before they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

  11. "I'm not coming back to Ocean City. It's just getting too expensive."
    (Quote from my father, around 1966, before we spent the next 10 or 15 years coming back every summer. He may have mentioned "the hippies" as another reason he'll never go back.)

    OC isn't for everybody, but it certainly is for millions of visitors year-after-year.
    To add another quote: "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded." (Y. Berra)


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