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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fact Check: Adam Schiff Tries to Defend Secret House Impeachment Hearings

CLAIM: The House impeachment inquiry was fair, inclusive, and obeyed precedent from previous impeachments.

VERDICT: False. The House broke with precedent, denying President Donald Trump due process and fairness.

Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who led the impeachment inquiry as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, tried repeatedly to defend the process Democrats used to investigate the president.

At one point Tuesday evening, White House lawyer Pam Bondi pointed out that the executive employees who had not obeyed House subpoenas had been acting in accordance with legal opinion that advised them not to testify if counsel was barred from attending. Schiff claimed that having a lawyer from their respective agencies — whose job would simple have been to protect the House from violating executive privilege — would amount to “witness intimidation.”

Schiff also claimed: “We followed the procedures in the [Bill] Clinton and [Richard] Nixon impeachments.” He even argued that Democrats offered greater protections to the president than in those cases.

Schiff was not telling the truth.


  1. Schiff’s a commie thru and thru.

  2. Schiff is a loose cannon, he blatantly lies, improvises with his parodies, and is a grand master of hyperbole. Frankly I think he is doing irreparable harm to the party, and the other impeachment managers along with Schiff are denigrating their case against Trump. Now that Biden has come forward and said he will not allow Hunter to be sworn in that further solidifies for me that something smells in the Ukraine and Trump had every right to investigate.

  3. If you are gonna cry about things not being fair, nor following precedent, lest you look like a partisan hack, you have to point out the also unfair and partisan, not following precedent rules for the senate.

    You don't get it both ways, and that's the biggest problem in politics now. You don't get to cry foul at the other team, then ignore when yours follows suit.

    Denying additional witnesses and document subpoenas is unlike ANY impeachment trial ever held in the senate, for any office.

    Our governing bodies are acting like spoiled children BOTH sides of the isle, and it's disgusting, and I am ashamed to admit that MOST of the country cares not as long as "their" side wins, rule of law be damned. It's shameful.

  4. These antics by Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi make us wonder if the party can survive, especially with the likes of some of the craziness coming from Rashid, Omar and AOC.

  5. You guys kill any and all credibility trying to say the house hearings were "secret". I don't know why you continue to support and propagate the lies spewed by Brietbart and other sites. Then cry foul when leftists sites do the same. You are all tearing the country apart

    1. 8:27-What lies do we "propagate?" Be specific. Libs generalize how Republicans are part of a cult, serve a Russian assest, and are racists. They just aren't able to give evidence. This is exactly what you are doing. No, you are the problem. You want the right to kowtow your beliefs. You name only Breibart as a fake news source. I give you CNN, MSNBC, ABC NEWS, CBS, and Politco. Virtually no one goes to Brietbart for actual news, but I bet you log on to CNN every day, then you come here to troll. I could also say you're tearing the country apart too, but I would be lying. You are far too pathetic and insignificant to cause Jack Squat!

  6. 8:27 Don’t think so sparky. It’s the left who has been crying since 2016. Resisting since 2016. Not letting the president do his job since 2016. You lefty’s didn’t get your way in 2016 and the whole world has heard you bitching and moaning for the last 3 years. “You guys” haven’t been able to respect the 65 million voters that voted for Trump in 2016. Instead calling them names and all kinds of kindergarten crap. So tell me again who is tearing this country apart? GTFOH🙄

  7. @ January 23, 2020 at 10:28 AM

    YOU only prove the point! During Obama's administration it was the exact same thing, just parties reversed. We have to stop this infantile partisan buffoonery. There is no such thing as one party bad one party good idiocy. Neither Obama nor Trump are all good or all bad.

    When did it become romper room here?

  8. 11:30 Geez dude yes it’s both sides. That’s what I’m trying to say. And you proved my point with your earlier post. You Put the blame on the right🤦‍♀️ Are you that blind? Why do you think Trump got elected? Because his voter base woke up along time ago and realized our government including the cia and fbi are crooked as hell. And we’re tired of the 2 sets of laws. I have a feeling you’ve been fine with our government until Trump came along🙄 It’s easy to read between the lines on your earlier post. It’s not my fault you’re blind to it🤷‍♀️

  9. It only appears to be a "romper room," because you must be another "woke" man-child who can't handle when their B.S. is not tolerated and shredded in one hundred words or less. Sell crazy somewhere else if it bothers you.


  10. Can't Defend ILLEGAL actions !!!! Democrats are Finished !!!

  11. @ January 23, 2020 at 5:23 PM

    So, expecting Senators to honor their oath to be impartial is being a "woke man child"?

    Expecting Senators who decried how unfair the House process was to then actually have a fair process is being a "woke man child"?

    Sorry, my friend, but your reply IS romper room.

    You don't get to decry the process as unfair when it's the other team, then celebrate it when it's yours. As Americans, as Patriots, as Conservatives (and Liberals for that matter) we have to DEMAND better from our elected officials.

    This partisan buffoonery MUST end. A fair trial is one that calls witnesses and subpoenas evidence. We don't get to complain that it was unfair that we weren't allowed to do so before, but now that we have the ball it's totes ok?

    No. As a Patriot who loves this country I demand better. So should you.

  12. So you can't defend illegal actions. Asking a foreign government to help your campaign is LEGAL????


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