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Thursday, January 23, 2020

100,000 People Seeking Tickets to Trump’s Rally in NJ

More than 100,000 people are seeking tickets to President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on January 28.

Democrat-turned-Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) announced that 100,000 people are looking for tickets to the rally, which is being held at the Wildwoods Convention Center, a 7,500-seat venue, NJ.com reported.

“It’s exciting. And I’m proud to say for this event — of all the events President Trump has done — we’ve had the most ticket requests,” Van Drew told Fox News on Sunday.

The last time a president visited Wildwood was in 1891 when Benjamin Harrison traveled to the area.



  1. I've an Aunt in Jersey. She had talked about a possible Hillary presidency since the mid-1990s. Has always voted Democrat. She called me up and said "If the economy keeps up, I'm voting for Trump in 2020." You could've knocked me over with a feather.

    1. My wife just asked me two days ago how she could change her voter affiliation from Democrat to Republican ?

  2. Some Democrats are starting realize Trump ain't the enemy.

  3. Trump is not the enemy . It is the Trump supporters letting a traitor continue

    1. Hey 1:46 You mean shumer, pelosi, or pencil neck ???

  4. Nope , I mean Trump supporters that continue to support Trump,...who is a traitor. Trump supporters art THE problem in their blind, cult, support


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