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Sunday, January 12, 2020

“Devastated” Muslim Demands Apology, Compensation After Biting Into Pork Sausage McMuffin From McDonald’s

United Kingdom – A “devastated” Muslim man is demanding an apology and compensation after he bit into a pork sausage McMuffin that McDonald’s accidentally served him.

Fida Hussein, 49, says he ordered an egg and cheese McMuffin without any meat, but a McDonald’s employee accidentally added pork sausage to the breakfast sandwich.

Hussein said he immediately knew something was wrong when he took a bite of the pork and said it left him “devastated.”

“I trusted them, he explains. “I was watching Judge Judy and bit into the McMuffin and knew instantly when I tasted it that it was meat.”

“The taste was horrible, I knew straightaway and spat it out. It’s just completely wrong. It’s a sensitive subject, it could happen to anyone, vegan or if a person is on a particular diet.”

McDonald’s has offered Hussein food vouchers, but he’s not happy with their offer and said it’s not enough.

Hussein called the mistake McDonald’s made “diabolical” and said the employees should never make mistakes.



  1. I worked at Carrabba's awhile back. Their Minestrone is made with chicken stock and panchetta. The server thought it was vegetarian. When I overheard the table asking about the ingredients, I grabbed up the bowl and said it has just a little chicken stock, knowing how Muslims don't recognize the deliciousness of bacon. If they knew it had pork in it, there would have been similar issues. In hindsight, I should not have lied for that company. They charge almost $20 for a chicken breast dinner. An 8 oz boneless breast and 2 sides is $20! Save your money. All their recipes are online.

  2. Get over it snowflake.

  3. The evils of islam diet is old testament. Still aint gonna save his soul worshiping lucifer

  4. Going by his picture, he eatin SOMETHING.

  5. I'm following this closely.
    A few weeks ago I requested "no pickles" on my Quarter Pounder, and the staff cook added them anyway.
    I figure that might be good for about a million dollars.
    I REALLY dislike pickles and NEVER eat them. Religiously.

  6. Truth be known, he probably loved the sausage.

  7. A vegan or vegetarian will ALWAYS look at their food being served in a public restaurant. Just to make sure things like that dont happen. What an idiot.

  8. If they are so worried about their health and what they eat, why are they eating at a fast-food joint in the first place?

    1. Captain Obvious is alive and well. Thank you 😊

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just the Muslim way. Scam as you can for a fast buck.

  11. 1:19 it’s not that he is worried about his health. It’s his crazy muslim religion that won’t let him eat pork.


  12. To 8:40 PM:

    I'd say he's no snowflake. Let him be known as a camel turd!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:19 it’s not that he is worried about his health. It’s his crazy muslim religion that won’t let him eat pork.

    January 10, 2020 at 8:03 AM

    You missed the point. There is pork being cooked there along with and next to everything else. Pork will most likely be on the food regardless.

  14. When I was a server and we ran out of Decafe or vis-a-versa we just dumped whatever into the pot and lied.

  15. I say give the man his compensation!
    Compensate him with a one way ticket to a
    third world Muslim hell hole that he came from!

    I would be willing to pitch in and help him so he can
    go back to his country and eat all the pork free sandwiches we wants!

  16. They cut heads off & now they want to cry over food !!!!

  17. Bigotry is tired. It could just as easily have been peanuts to one with peanut allergies and Jews don't eat pork either.

  18. 8:58

    A peanut allergy could result in anaphylactic shock.
    Eating pork could only result in this muslim seeing the light for the first time.

    Pork Rules!

  19. 858
    That is the point silly rabbit.
    Muhammad was schooled by Rabbis, a well keep secret.
    Islam is a Jewish creation.

    Funny, huh?

  20. They can GO BACK where they came from & wine there !!!

  21. that fool couldn't see the sausage on the biscuit or muffin? His own fault, he should have seen it before he bit into it. another dummy looking for a quick payday.

  22. Hammad was a Jew until he had his vision. The Koran early on is based off the Torah just as the Bible is. The difference is the entrance of Jesus and Hammad. According to the Koran they were both prophets. Hammad being the last one.

  23. Plenty in their "Cult " would love to get some pork !!!

  24. If you think getting served pork is bad go back to the motherland we've got a "special delivery" for you via our drone units!!

  25. Sounds like a setup using Islamic fascism to go after non Muslim owned business

  26. Years ago a man had a barbecue in his backyard on a Friday for his parent's 50th weeding anniversary. The head guy at the mosque down the street walked to his house and said he was being disrespectful for cooking pork on a Friday during their service and the attendees were leaving early because of the 'odor' of pork. So now, every Friday is pork barbecue day at his house.

  27. Pork is good enough for everyone else , so they can Quit wining


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