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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cory Booker: ‘I Don’t Think We Should Have Two White Men on the Ticket’

Appearing Monday on SiriusXM’s The Joe Madison Show, failed presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said he believes that two white men should not be on the 2020 Democrat ticket.

A partial transcript is as follows:

JOE MADISON: What do you say to my audience and other audiences that they’ll be more millionaires on the [debate] stage and in the campaign than there will be black people. What do you say to them, particularly younger folk who might be turned off by this? And number two, would you consider being a running mate?

SEN. CORY BOOKER: I’ll just be blunt. I didn’t know this much until I started looking at the presidency, how well-positioned African-Americans are to determine who the nominee is for the Democratic Party. I didn’t realize that from Maryland to Mississippi, African-Americans range from 40 to 70 percent of the primary electorate. There have been very few occasions, I think when Jesse Jackson ran, was one of the few and only times in modern presidential times when African-Americans have not really influenced or decided the winner because the black vote usually consolidates around one candidate and becomes the deciding factor.


  1. Voters don’t like you Corey because your a snob racist.

  2. Imagine if that was said about people of another race... the Democrat party has normalized bigotry

  3. Obama is a antisemite and no one had the balls to call him out either

  4. So that is not a racist comment?

  5. Why does it matter what the skin color is for ANY candidate to you? Could it be that you are.......?

  6. yep.

    It's okay to vote for one candidate ONLY because he's black.
    That's not racist.
    UNLESS WHITE PEOPLE say they AREN'T voting for someone because he's black, or God forbid, they ARE voting for someone because he's white.
    That's racist.

    It's this kind of logic (okay, it's NOT logic) that dooms the democrats.
    They wouldn't know hypocrisy if it bit them on their ace.

    Keep cheering.

  7. And Corey, there shouldn’t be a dumb a$$ on the ticket either.

  8. Well just so we know he isn’t racist.
    Oh, wait a minute . . .

    Never mind

  9. Haha haha!


    Why doesn’t he say we shouldn’t have two MEN???

  10. The truly sad thing is the amount of progressive, liberal Democrats that will jump on board and support such lunay

    1. You mean the amount of WHITE progressive, liberal Democrats will be on board 110%

  11. He doesn’t think anything but racist thoughts!! If it isn’t then I don’t want any blacks on the ticket.....not racist I base it on past experience!!

  12. Biden Harris ticket is a winner. If that's who the Democrats put up, Trump is toast.

  13. If the only reason that Spartacus says they shouldn't be on the ticket is because they are white, then that is nothing but a blatantly racist statement.

  14. I guess there are some limits to the race game that you like to play Spartacus.
    You are a fool and an idiot!

  15. 4:29....LOL!!

    Trump is going to destroy WHOMEVER is dumb enough to challenge him.

    They could run Mother Theresa and Mohammed and THEY would get crushed.

  16. What's wrong with his eye?

  17. He can go to hell !!! He better wake up & see he is in America !!

  18. That racist POS. I guess we should have a black on there whether or not he is qualified.; You know.......like affirmative action.


  19. Booker von Spartacus is a jerk, and that came through clearly during the debates, etc. He's benefited in life from the tint his parents bequeathed him but even the SocialistDemocrat primary audience saw his shortcomings. Can't believe he didn't take T-Bone's advice not to run.

  20. Proposing that candidates be disqualified because of their race!!! What country does this racist thinks he lives in? There would be NO black legislators if that was allowed.

  21. It's disrespectful to all those that sacrificed do much paving the way to have these younger, do called educated blacks coming up setting us back 100 years

  22. The term racist has been used so much that it has sadly lost much of its meaning.ie If i were to say gee I wish obama had taken a little more time on "his" healthcare deal I would automatically be deemed a racist homophobe ,therefore everyone looses.


  23. 1. Excluding someone because of their race is racist thinking.

    2. Including someone because of their race is racist thinking, and worse because it demeans what their abilities and accomplishment are and implicitly says race is their qualifier.

    Unfortunately during the last several decades we've let approach #2 become a default and it hangs a cloud over those of actual ability who are selected. Booker is not in that group; his complexion has been his meal ticket.

    Now that he's out of the contest he can concentrate his time on his actress girlfriend; wedding bells are sure to ring! T-Bone can be best man.

  24. Democrats and the media have made racism cool

  25. Let's just elect our leaders on what color and sex they are. To heck with being a qualified person for the job.

    There, fixed it for you, Corey!

  26. That is the same as a white person saying we shouldn't have a black man in the white house. Cory is racist.

  27. However, if a white person said they can't ever vote for a ticket with a black candidate, the media's head would explode over "racism".
    He can say THAT and the media gets on their knees and kneels before him in worship.
    Which is why no one watches or believes CNN, ABC, MSNBC, or the rest of the manipulating and disingenuous lying media sources.

    Keep cheering.

  28. Just another idiot racist Democrat speaking.

  29. Spartacus: I'll just be blunt. No, More like he just smoked a blunt!

  30. He'll never be president. HaHaHaHa....


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