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Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Fox News

Hello Joe, 

I've finally had enough of FOX News so called journalist and contributors like Chris Wallace, judge Napolitano and a few others from the constant negative leading statements they use when commenting about President Trump. I thought they got rid of that when they fired left winger Shep Smith. But it appears that now after FOX News was bought out they are slowly all doing what Smith did. Example: they continually let the democrats say that unless the Senate calls the witnesses that the house didn't, then the trial would just be a cover up and so on. Correct me if I'm wrong here but wasn't it the responsibility of the house to gather evidence to prove their case and then send it over to the Senate (And I had to explain this very carefully to FOX News) the Senate is the jury who is suppose to decide the case on the evidence presented by the house. But not a single FOX so called journalist is pushing back when the democrats constantly put this bull in front of them. I can see the reporting of this station slowly shifting left. If they keep this up they'll soon be closely aligned with MSNBC and the other left wing stations. I had so much faith in FOX. Now , I'm not sure. Perhaps others should contact them an express their opinions. Just punch in, "Contact FOX News" and follow the prompts. It's easy. They will also acknowledge receipt of your message. 

John Palmer, 
Delmar, Md.


  1. Quit watching it, I did! We can get our news from the Net!

  2. Mr Palmer,

    Your ferver for the dear leader is clouding your better judgement. The medias job is not to prop up or to pander to any leader. It is to report the news, and may be comment on it. Just because you don't like what is said, it doesn't make it any less factual or true.

    When FOX news is reporting problems with Trump, that should be a clear and bright warning sign to all people that they need to really be concerned. Fox news OBVIOUSLY skews to the right.

    There will be representatives from the House at the impeachment trial in the Senate, call them Prosecuters if you will. The presidents legal team will be there, may be even the President, call them them the defense. There will be Justice Roberts there... he will oversee the trial, the "judge" if you will, and the Senate members will be the Jury. When it gets to the Senate it is indeed an actual trial with witnesses and additional information and testimony.

    A journalist job, and a news organizations job is not to forward any agenda or political person or party. It is to present the news, hopefully impartially, and to do it in the best of it's ability. To present the truth even when we don't like it and it is distasteful. Fox news isn't and shouldn't be Trump's cheer leading squad. A news organization shouldn't have an agenda.

    I assume you think MSNBC has an agenda, probably think CNN does too? And you think they shouldn't? The why are you advocating that Fox news takes sides and makes an agenda? Don't let partisan poison cloud your better judgement.

    And when Fox news criticizes a so called "conservative" President... you REALLY should be paying attention and ask why? They know they have the market on Conservative news pretty much locked down, they wont want to squander that. It's not in their financial interests. They aren't in the news business really, they are in the advertising business. Eyeball on ads is what drives them. They don't want to alienate their viewership... it's not in their interests. So, when the have to report what's not in their interests.. YOU SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION.

    1. 9:24 Stop talking to us like we're idiots, you condescending Mook.

    2. 9:24 is obviously a Libtard!

  3. To John Palmer, I fully agree with your statement as presented. I have no idea why they have gone off the rails but have to think it has been turned over to one of the Murdock's sons. What a crying shame!

  4. I agree. I used to like Chris Wallace and the judge, but no more. They are all going the way of Shep Smith. It's so nice to be rid of him, now if only we could get rid of the others who are following in his footsteps.

  5. Napolitano changed his tune on President Trump after not getting a judgeship he had been hoping for (aka sour grapes). As for Chris Wallace, he has always been a democrat, and always tougher on republicans.
    As for President Trump, he is hated by the majority of politicians because he has been busy MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN instead of raping the middle class.

  6. Hey John, no one cares. You fail to understand Fox is owned by a person. People have interests. They push those interests. Same goes for the other side too. Get your news from multiple sources and make your own decisions.

  7. wow I thought you were more woke than that Palmer. Fox has always been like that and all the msm channels are owned by the same company's. They allow some conservative views but it just crumbs off the table. It wont hurt to contact them with complaints but dont expect any change. Their traffic is no longer a financial concern because most all their money comes from soros and dnc, thats why they werent concerned about loosing laws suits at cnn. The most impact comes from making sure NO ONE watches the communist talking heads like shep. wallace and napolitano. Everyone should be contacting comcast and insisting the bring on OANN {one american news network}, while not as colorful as some fox reporters...they are straight up fact reporters and are not brow beat like the censoring that goes on at Fox sometimes. There is and has been a very serious information war going on, its very important to not support the enemy with programing and click bait.

  8. OAN and Newsmax. Instead of Drudge Citizens Free Press, Your choice or just ignore the Judge and Chris

  9. dont listen to 924am...clearly a communist...takes alot of brainwashing to pretend nbc wasnt of the false narrative train the entire time...russia russia russia. Not all talking heads on fox are telling the facts but most try. FACTS MATTER. When their "criticizing" instead of presenting facts....theres your sign.

  10. Editorializing isn’t reporting. It’s opinion. Belongs in the National Enquirer, not programs called news broadcasts.

  11. Cut the catv cord! AONN on KLOWD TV!

  12. Fox News "Fair and Balanced." Yes, they make it a point to put commentators on the show with another point of view. You get to decide. Not like the other networks that decide what is "news" to publish, and what they omit because it doesn't conform to their political agenda. Fox will show both sides and opinions. That's not shifting left, that is letting the viewers decide. If Fox News becomes like CNN, MSNBC, & the other so-called mainstream media, and becomes a propaganda source for one side of the political debate, then they would be no better than the MSM. Now Mr. Palmer, why would you want Fox News to be more like the MSM? I would rather to consider the other side of issues included by Fox News, than to have to get it from the MSM. Intelligent people can decide what conforms to their opinions, and what doesn't. Can't make comparisons with only one side of a story, whether it's Fox News, or the MSM.

  13. The Republicans sent the Senate Bill Clinton's admission that the stain on the blue dress was his, and that he lied to congress about it. "Crime" committed / admitted. The Senate heard and knew the facts and acquitted him anyway. Jury nullification of the charges. Case closed. History is repeating itself, however, this time there is no crime, but will have the same result.

  14. Fox will always have a cpl communist segments just to snag some that arent paying close attention. Shep smith was forced to resign because of a homosexual sex scandal law suit that might make headlines, he wasnt let go because his a liar and propagandist. If you really wanted to know whats going on, even before it surfaces....youd be following the Q drops and proofs. Its your choice to know.

  15. What are you going to watch Mr. Palmer, if not Fox News that gives you both sides for your consideration? Are you going to watch the one-sided MSM? Quit trying to make Fox News like the MSM. I like Fox News just the way it is. If I don't want to hear what the ones you complain about have to say, I can always find something else to watch for a few minutes. Send your complaints to the MSM and see what they tell you. They are "all lies, all the time." And the ones that watch don't know the difference.

  16. I see Shep Smith has applied for PMSNBC.

  17. If they would just get rid of Juan williams, that would make me happy and a lot of those whiney asses that come on at noon.

  18. citizen free press tucker hannity and breitbart. The rest are corporate whores!
    comcast won't carry OAN, but soon I will invest in roku and drop shitty comcast! fool that owns them used to beat us up over the bill whenever we did any work on his private jet. I asked him once if he lets his customers negotiate the price for his crappy cable service! wouldn't answer me!

  19. 9:24 is bewildered by the spin and is NOT paying attention. Clearly they have been caught up in the Alinsky narrative that has infiltrated our MSM.
    They have lied, carried water for our enemies and Democrats (same), they actively promote the governmental styles of our adversaries.
    They willingly ignore the failures of Socialist countries as they drive us headlong in that direction.
    They marginalize (in typical Communist fashion) anyone that challenges them and their “portrayal” of events.
    They collude with the DNC to dirty anyone they don’t like with falsehoods, deliberate deceit and slight of hand by spewing DNC talking points using colorful derogatory themes like “ the presidents dark speech”... the word “dark” turned up on every Sunday news program by every DNC pundit and “journalist”. That’s just one of thousands of collusion examples.
    Reuters and the Associated press are merely conduits for DNC propaganda. Stephanapolis, O’Donnell, Muir, Pelley, Wallace, Maddow, etc are partisan hacks reading a teleprompter. These so called “journalists” aren’t even being taught journalism anymore.

  20. I contacted Fox about this and I added Jeroldo and Juan Williams. Yes I change channels when they are on. I have also questioned why several of their reporters / commentators do not reiterate the fact of what the Constitution states and not just what the Democrats wants to publicize. President Trump even has criticized FOX for these same reasons.

  21. Hey Mr. Palmer. You want to know what I’ve finally had enough of? A “do nothing” Wicomico County Board of Education that you sit on and has done nothing to rid our schools of teacher preying on young students and ridding our schools of violet thugs. I’ll ignore your comments on anything you have to say until you clean up the BOE like you said you were going to do.

    1. Amen 11:12, Amen! This BOE Sucks!!’

  22. The condensing opening remarks about Trump are not news. It is their opinion. Chris Wallace is only trying to make a name for himself. I've got a name - idiot!

  23. That’s funny coming from John Palmer, Mr. Voice, who was going to clean up the Board of Education and now after he drank the Kool Aid he has been going to the County Executive’s Budget Hearings and demanding more money for the BOE!

  24. 1:32
    His son blows a lot of hot air also. Thinks he is somebody. Maybe if he had a job he wouldn't have to worry about a damn stop sign in Pittsville.

  25. Yes, what happened to John? He is a "Facilities" guy. There is significant waste, fraud, abuse, and blatant breaking of State and Federal laws occurring in Construction, Maintenance, and Operations departments.
    There is certainly something "funny" going on with the BOE Construction Department and Whiting Turner contracting. They actually had a Whiting Turner employee participate as a member of a BOE job interview team!! I'm sure a contractor only had the BOE's best interests in mind...
    Current employees only receive retaliation and thus fear for their jobs if they report violations - even if it is part of their job responsibilities.
    John should be on top of many of these issues putting pressure on the Board and holding the Superintendent to account.

    Bd. members are expected to keep many issues confidential and act as a group.
    That said, the Board of Ed is often lied to and kept in the dark on many issues by WCPS Administration.

    They just want a "get along with everyone" group and that time has past.
    Our only options are to keep up pressure at every Bd. meeting (the BD. and WCPS Admin hate public criticism more than ANYTHING) and during elections vote for individuals for Bd of Ed. that reflect our beliefs and standards and will actually fight for them.

  26. The fact that they have these left wingers on justs adds some credibility to Fox. Yes the Judge really makes me sick because he is so bias since not getting the appointed position that he wanted but I also do not want a News Source that is telling me only what I want to hear. That is what MSNBC and all the others do.

    Chris Wallace is no doubt a liberal but at least we know he is. He gave a speech not to long ago about how Trump is a threat to journalism. Despite that sometimes Chris can be fair...Sometimes.

    I do want me news to give both sides. Yes 99% of the time the liberal side is completely wrong but I also remember reading a lot about stuff Obama was supposed to be doing from some of these news sources and they turned out to not be true. Remember the reports of Obama building up fleets of UN Vehicles, Or hording ammo to create marshall law ? I am have have never been an Obama fan but hearing the news from only one side can take you down a rabbit hole full of stuff that is not true no matter what side of the aile you are on.

    In the end Preaching to the Choir never seems to win any new souls.

  27. The US needs to construct a giant oracle to provide advice.


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